Recent content by SundaysChild

  1. SundaysChild

    My Silkie Rooster keeps chilling in the nesting boxes all day

    This is an old thread, but my silkie rooster is doing the same thing. Plus he sings in the nest. He is the largest silkie in their coop, so I don’t believe he is being picked on, but am now going to have to provide the girls another box, as they are laying on the ground. Will try placing him on...
  2. SundaysChild

    Selectively naughty rooster…

    Similar issue, I rescued a silkie that ended up being a roo. He was pampered as a baby and my favorite. I have 22 girls, mixed age and breeds, about 6-7 currently laying, the rest about 6 months old. The roo is unknown age as he came to me as a rescue. The girls started beating him up when he...
  3. SundaysChild

    Review by 'SundaysChild' in article 'Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!'

    Also, the chickens that you you put for sale, but your husband/child said that you should hang on to “for a few more weeks” (code for: keep forever) don’t count in overall total.
  4. SundaysChild

    New Hello from Southern California!

    My friend joked that having another baby would have been “cheeper”!
  5. SundaysChild

    Comment by 'SundaysChild' in item 'Beaktime Waterer Cups'

    Never worked properly. They leaked and the hens ignored them . Nipplers are much better!
  6. SundaysChild

    New Hello from Southern California!

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Hi I am a newish chicken keeper. My sister has kept chickens for over 15 years, and I finally decided to dip my toes in…but chicken math is real. I would love to move somewhere with more land, but pretty hard in CA if you are not...
  7. SundaysChild

    Reputable hatcheries in Southern California?

    I purchased 4 chicks from Hilltop in April. 3 died within 3 days. I filled out their loss form, never heard anything. I had preordered 6 in March, ended up cancelling order and took it as a loss. Vet does not recommend them.
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