Recent content by sundance

  1. sundance

    Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

    Lost Miss Prissy's recipe for yogurt, had to hunt for it, but its the easiest and best recipe I have found anywhere, it's easy to make and is so good
  2. sundance

    Weird or Old Home Remedies

    DH is on warfarin, a blood thinner, has been for almost 25 years, with his blood so thin,I have learned that coffee grounds is the best quick thing to stop bleeding.Just pack the wet grounds and the bleeding stops in a few seconds. also another name for black salve is Ichthammol Ointment. CVS...
  3. sundance

    Vanilla car freshener to repel flies from coop??

    Read on facebook to hang some ziplock bags with water and pennies in it close to the door and it will repel the flies. said they saw some hanging in a restaurant patio and asked why and was told it kept the flies away. Try it, if don't work you can always spend the pennies.
  4. sundance

    Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

    I use MissPrissys receipe and make about a quart a day. I have stomach problems and eat a LOT of yogurt and cottage cheese. I have found that honey is delicious poured on the yougert. doesn't sound to good, but its great I also add fruit and enjoy all the homemade yogurt I need.
  5. sundance

    How many of you use plain old all purpose flour to cook and bake with?

    I always use AP flour and have for more than 60 years, Just easier for me to mix what ever on my own than trying to use self rising, which doesn't always rise to my expections.
  6. sundance

    Anybody Watch NCIS?

    love it, record it so I don't miss anything. not to fond of NCIS los angelis but love Abby and Ziva
  7. sundance

    dump cake anyone?

    thats it THANKS
  8. sundance

    dump cake anyone?

    Does any one have a receipe for chocolate dump cake that does NOT use a packaged cake mix and cherry pie filling. My DD had one and I lost it. It was a great chocolate cake, with the frosting added to the cake as soon as removed from oven and chopped nuts on top. if any one had one would love to...
  9. sundance

    as seen on tv Eggies

    love mine, now I can keep boiled eggs in the fridge all the time.DH loves them, when he tries to peel boiled eggs, he loses most of the eggs, but with the eggies all he does is pop the out and eat them, I love egg salad so now I have a fresh supply all the time.
  10. sundance

    hardboiled egg question

    I bought some of the EGGIES they advertie on TV break the egg in the plastic eggies then boil, don't have to peel them works great. Now i keep boiled eggs in the fridge all the time and it doesn't matter how fresh they are you don't have to boil the shell so they don't have to be peeled. I use...
  11. sundance


    THANKS ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS we have found an apartment, and as soon as the insurance co pays off we will be heading BACK to fla probably to the panhandle somewhere we can find a piece of land we can afford to buy. Its really for the birds having to go to the library for a P/C. THANKS...
  12. sundance


    Our home burned on 8/13 of theis month and I need all the prayer I can get. Everything we had was burned. so will be unable to connect with any of you but please pray for us to get this settled so we may find a place to live HELPPPPPPPPP MARRIE
  13. sundance

    Tell me about possums

    KILL THEM QUICKLY if you want to have chickens kill them and bury them under some rocks or drop in the land fill, My SIL shot 2 and so far I know I have one skunk, he will get him next. My GS dog dug out of the fence and killed more than half my flock, and I told him if he wanted to keep her he...
  14. sundance

    roo wanted, my ladies are lonely

    Wanted a roo, would prefer Dominique or plymouth rock. My GS dog dug out of his fence and killed about half my chickens, Unfortuntally he got my 2 roos. The one I got from Country girl and his son, along with 6 of my hens. so my ladies that are left would like a husband if you live near the boro...
  15. sundance

    Anyone non-religious here? Please be nice!

    IMHO there is a wide divide between salvation and religion. I know what I believe,and why I believe it. Ask me Point blank what I believe and I can tell you, but to me a person is a person , do you like them? are they a friend? Judge them on that, not what they say they believe, most people say...
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