Recent content by sulu58

  1. S

    Shellless Eggs

    I got 3 shell less eggs during the first 3 weeks of laying. And many of the first eggs had double yolks. Clean up any broken eggs right away so your birds don’t get a taste of raw egg. Once they get a taste there is risk that they will break eggs to eat them. It’s been 3/4 weeks and I am now...
  2. S

    Loving these babies!

    Thanks everyone! Hope you all are enjoying your day!
  3. S

    Loving these babies!

    Hello everyone! Susan here, new to everything chickens! I inherited 9 young chickens in late April. They were being raised by my son and future dau-in-law who got an opportunity to move to VT so I got a wish come true by inheriting their coop, supplies and babies! Watching them raise chickens...
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