
We've been involved with poultry for around 15 years and wyandotte bantams since 2014. We started wyandottes with chocolates from Jerry Foley and since then have added blacks, blues, partridge, tried mottled and chocolate partridge. We are breeding to the SOP and show when we can. in 2019 we received our first two starred wins! One in Congress in 2019 for a very nice black pullet, and the 2nd in Columbus Ohio. We are thankful to those who have helped us improve our flock including Art Lundgren, Jerry Foley, Ken Aho, Dave Pauls, Junior Jenkins, Brian Knox, Fabian Negron and others. We are also excited that due to our efforts and others who supported us, the chocolate wyandotte Bantam is now a recognized color by the ABA! We won BOB at Northeast Congress with over 130 birds at the ABA National with our chocolate wyandotte bantam cockerel, which was the first time we were able to compete with the other varieties! What an honor! We have since taken RCCL at Twin Tiers in 2020 with a chocolate wyandotte pullet, and reserve breed with a black wyandotte bantam pullet, Best RCCL at the Dixie Classic show in spring of 2021 in show #1 and Best Bantam in their second show with a black cockerel, we also took Reserve Bantam at the Dayton Fancy Feather Club show in April, again with our black cockerel, Reserve Breed, Poultry Congress 2021 with a black cockerel and Reserve Bantam in show at the first Tri-State Poultry show 2022.
We will be working on getting the color Chocolate recognized by the APA, but that is a long-term project. We often have black and chocolate eggs/birds available.. currently working on a partridge wyandotte project.
Southern New Jersey - Mays Landing area...
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Apparently I'm addicted to chickens and your website is a nice resource.


Breeder & Exhibitor of Wyandotte Bantams - Chocolate, Black, Partridge. occasionally blue. Southern NJ. Started with Sex-linked Chocolate Wyandotte Bantams in 2014. Now working on a Partridge Wyandotte project. NPIP. Starred ABA wins with both Blacks & Chocolates. Chocolates now recognized by the ABA. We hope to get them recognized by the APA, and looking for APA members for this. Members of the ABA, APA & Wyandotte Breeders of America.



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