Recent content by Studabird

  1. Studabird

    New Peachicks question

    Thank you for your response. I looked that up and now my world makes sense again. I greatly appreciate your knowledge.
  2. Studabird

    New Peachicks question

    I have a breeding pair of Peafowl. I hatched three eggs two are a nice fluffy yellow color and one is a gray/blue color. Peafowl are not supposed to be sexlinked so I am wondering what the color variation in the hatchlings might mean. The parents are the standard “Wild Type” Thank you for any...
  3. Studabird

    Generations to breed

    If I have two breeds of chickens and I really like the offspring of said hybrid. On average how many generations of cross breeding and then breeding the cross until I get a breed that is true?
  4. Studabird

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    Coming to this late but I have a been crossing a my RIR with Cubalaya Rooster and they are not afraid of anything, I keep only Cubalaya roosters because they seem to be very protective of my layers and I am trying to get a self-sustaining flock. By self sustaining a wide enough breeding pool...
  5. Studabird

    When your new ducks prefer the cat

    Nope. Not hungry just always where ever there is a heat lamp and she can get access. Also since she is a cat always supervised when near unprotected animals.
  6. Studabird

    When your new ducks prefer the cat

    My three legged cat has always been and will always be a heat lamp hog. Whenever there are chicks in the house under a heatlamp she always is there trying to work her way under it. Today when I went to change the bedding this is what happened.
  7. Studabird

    When is a cross now a breed?

    I am crossing two breeds. My question is when does a hybrid become a new breed? I know they have to breed “true” but even after that is there a generational moment when it becomes a new breed and not a cross?
  8. Studabird

    Rabbits and chickens

    Two New Zelands I have two New Zealand rabbits. They are living in a 10x10 dog run with an old chicken coop that would be good for three hens. They are a breeding pair I am going to use the offspring for income. Money from selling their young for pets and the babies we don’t sell will be used...
  9. Studabird

    Rabbits and chickens

    Is there any danger or issues using an old chicken coop and run area for rabbits?
  10. Studabird

    What breed is this?

    Here are a couple more pics of him. My daughter told me the previous owners just didn’t want a Rooster. Come to find out they don’t mind roosters they just didn’t want him because he is a bad rooster. So I brought him home anyway and kept him separated from his future flock for the evening. This...
  11. Studabird

    Cockerel Issue

    I have a similar problem when my young man turned a certain age. He was in the process of really injuring a pullet. I separated him from all the pullets until they had been laying for a while and put him in with a group of hens called the Amazon’s formerly known as the mean girls. Two RIR and a...
  12. Studabird

    What breed is this?

    Awesome. Thank you all again!!
  13. Studabird

    What breed is this?

    Okay I know it is a bad picture. My daughter’s friend has to get rid of a cockerel. It is a TSC special so they don’t know what it is either. If I get him he will be living with 8 Buff Brahma hens that are 14 months old.
  14. Studabird

    Female duck mounting drake?

    Mounting is a dominance thing. She was probably mad at him and making sure he knew it. Nothing to worry about
  15. Studabird

    In the brooder

    Put something they can see through but can’t get to each other and separate them for a few days. I would suggest hardware cloth or chicken wire. That way they can see each other and touch each other but not harm each other.
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