Recent content by Stepnout

  1. Stepnout

    Back in Production 6 Bovan Browns

    After loosing both parents in 166 days my life is very slowly returning! Picked up 6 Bovan Browns (I’m sure they’re just the same as all the brown production hens) but they’re mine and they’ll be on grass bugs and layer feed. The girls put out 4 peewee eggs today. The first eggs never get old...
  2. Stepnout

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Well hello everyone. Yes I've been away for a long time. Where do I start OMG? In December 2017 my parents were in a bad accident. Although they had many health concerns they were very stable and very independent. The accident started their decline. My fathers was under control for kidney and...
  3. Stepnout

    Azure blue

    If they are younger the eggs should get bigger in size. I do have one that lays Medium. My birds are now 2 years. I'll not buy Azures again. They have great layer feed along with oyster shells but the shell quality from 2 of the 4 is very poor. That coupled with the crazy attitude they have...
  4. Stepnout

    What breed is she?

    Wild guess she could be an Easter eager if sorts. Does she have a comb? she is an attractive bird.
  5. Stepnout

    Is Azure Blue a legitimate breed?

    I have 4 that were bought from Freys, grown out to pullet’s and resold. They look like Leghorns with brown, black or slate spots. I also have 2 brown sex links. The Azures are very flighty and spooky. The shells are a pale blue. At least 2 of them have low quality shells. I personally wouldn’t...
  6. Stepnout

    SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

    Hot Cross Buns! Mmm! I don’t use the British white flour crosse, I use frosting. I used currents and raisins.
  7. Stepnout

    Azure blue

    Congratulations! I find them quite flighty! I also find the shell quality and egg production has dwindled as they have aged comparing to my Bovin Browns of the same age.
  8. Stepnout

    Oyster shells

    Congratulations on the first egg! Always excitin.
  9. Stepnout


    Well I’m a little late but the my garlic dried nicely and we’ve been using it Mmm! I shared a bit with family and friends and no doubt will share more. I’ll be storing it and picking out my seed for October after I see how it performs while in storage. I’ve included a couple of pictures. The...
  10. Stepnout

    Red wattles on 3 week old pekins

    Pictures are worth a thousand words.
  11. Stepnout


    Mine articles plants are drying nicely, I see the beautiful lush pink and purple shades developing. I have a good variety of sizes some very large bulbs (I assume with my limited experience). On average the bulbs have 4-7 cloves as. Described by most suppliers. I’ll update after another week...
  12. Stepnout


    Congratulations! What type did you plant?
  13. Stepnout


    Wow great, did you take any pictures? My bulbs I planted last fall had a blush pinkish purplish color. I assume the color will come when they dry?
  14. Stepnout


    Sorry to hear about the bad weather, a crazy year indeed. I am from eastern Canada, I have friends in N/W Iowa, been pheasant hunting there 5 times beautiful place. I hope the corn harvest goes well. Cheers
  15. Stepnout


    Well even though the tips of my garlic leaves yellowed earlier in the season I’m very happy with the bar so far. Some of you may remember I planted over 100 cloves of the hard neck porcelain MUSIC variety. We have had a miserable summer started with very hot and dry then cold and dry then over 9...
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