Recent content by Stastacken

  1. S

    New member

    Those are really nice.
  2. S

    New member

    I see I answered your twice. I am trying to figure out how this works. I am not very savvy about forums. Bare with me please.
  3. S

    Where to get poults from? (Mississippi)

    I have bourbon reds and there a few breeders about an hour from me. My hatch rate is low, I think it's because this is my first time trying and I am making mistakes. So far, all that have hatched have been healthy. Survival of the fittest🙄
  4. S

    New member

    T Thank you so much for showing me where to look🤗
  5. S

    New member

    Thank-you. Nice to meet you as well
  6. S

    New member

    Bourbon reds, EE and buckeyes
  7. S

    New member

    I have bourbon reds, EE and buckeyes. How about you?
  8. S

    Turkey Molting?

    Posted pictures. My apologies.
  9. S

    Turkey Molting?

    My apologies. I must have closed page before they loaded. First time posting pictures here.
  10. S

    Turkey Molting?

    Breeding pair. There were 2 Tom's until 3 days this common for feathers to look like this after Breeding season? Both male and female. Or do I have some sort of mite?
  11. S

    New member

    Seemed like a good idea as everything time I Google a question about chickens/turkeys this group showed up with answers.🥰
  12. S

    New member

    What do you raise?
  13. S

    New member

    Thank you. I'm from Mississippi
  14. S

    New member

    Bourbon reds and EE. Looking to breed some orpingtons in the next month or two.
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