Recent content by sspare

  1. sspare

    Hen not eating

    Thanks for your answer. Not sure how to check for egg bound but the rest aren't reliable in their "daily egg routines". I'm guessing because its winter, because it's cold, because less light hours, because they are older, because........not sure what if anything there is to do but keep her...
  2. sspare

    Hen not eating

    I have a backyard flock of 6; 4 comets, 2 California whites. One of my comets, she is about 2 years old, has stopped eating about 3 days now. I cannot find anything out of the usual, and have inspected her for parasites. Her eyes, mouth, throat (of what I can see) are all normal. Her crop...
  3. sspare

    What type of weird eggs have you gotten?

    That seems to be the general consensus of opinion. Treated her with amoxicillin. She is mid therapy and seems to be doing ok. Haven't seen any more of those or " parts" that made me suspicious. She has come to enjoy her private "treats" of antibiotics and snacks. :)
  4. sspare

    What type of weird eggs have you gotten?

    That makes sense to me. I do have amoxicillin that I can treat her with. Appreciate the help
  5. sspare

    What type of weird eggs have you gotten?

    Thank you so much for clearing this up. This makes sense. This was from the chicken that I treated for "water belly" last October. I didn't think she would survive because she was so sick. She recovered from that after I drained the fluid. She was acting normal eating and interacting with the...
  6. sspare

    What type of weird eggs have you gotten?

    I recently found what I thought was a large egg in the nest. Looked and felt very weird. At first I thought it was a shell-less egg but it felt like a large glob of fat. It was dense and yellow. When I cut into it, it seemed to have layers. Does anyone know what this is? I am at a loss.
  7. sspare

    Pullets eating sand?

    My girls like the sand. I have a multitude of free grit around the yard as well as oyster shell. They don't like that either. Yes they eat the sand, yes they dust bathe in it. I live in the south where its very sandy. The only problem I have is that the sand collects around some of the...
  8. sspare

    Comment by 'sspare' in article 'Cold Weather Advisory: A Detailed Look at the Question of Supplemental Heat'

    Eggcellent article. Thank you for addressing a lot of the questions about the coop environment. I struggled for a long time about heating the coop. My girls don't get supplemental heat and I don't insulate. Just makes more sense. Agree with your "good observation technique" for intervening...
  9. sspare

    Looking for help with sick chicken

    Thanks or your invaluable help and support. My hen has recovered from this acute phase and is eating/drinking/joining the flock. She looks much better, even her comb is now all red. It has been almost 3 weeks and she looks great (but still skinny). I feed her separately so I know she is...
  10. sspare

    My hen has ascites in her belly. Everything I’m reading says she will need to be euthanized, that there is no treatment. Has anyone had success?

    I had a 2 year old leghorn with ascites that I treated myself (after researching both this site and the web). I took into consideration that the ascites was just a symptom of a more sinister problem (of which I would probably never know) and the age of the hen. I treated her with draining the...
  11. sspare

    Looking for help with sick chicken

    The fluid was yellow and slightly cloudy. Yes, I realize it's temporary and unfortunately due to something sinister. I didn't see any signs of parasites. Not sure if my draining her belly occasionally will be a good quality of life for her. When I drained her belly on the 1st of October she...
  12. sspare

    Looking for help with sick chicken

    You were correct with your diagnosis of water belly or ascites. I did some research and rather than let her suffer and die, I found an article for paracentesis procedure on a chicken. All the symptoms fit her problem list. I drained about a cup of ascites from her belly then put her in her...
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