Recent content by SrirachaSpice

  1. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Thank you, I appreciate it. I wish she had lived longer but I’m glad she at least had a good life <3
  2. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Thank you. Her life was short but she lived a good one. I really appreciate your help and advice <3
  3. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Final update, 01.30.24 Salt passed away this evening at the vet. She woke up today hungry but unable to stand and we got an emergency vet appointment where she said she lost 17% of her body mass despite eating more and having solid poops again. We chose euthanasia as it was surprisingly cheap...
  4. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Me too. It's funny, sometimes she doesn't want to eat but still guards the food from her friend. I might look into getting a brooder plate and putting it in the coop if she gains enough weight to go outside.
  5. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Updating as of 01.18.2024 Salt had a 3rd vet appointment and has not gained any weight worth noting. The vet did say however that she does not seem to be in any pain and seems to be enjoying life minus the fatigue so she recommended keeping her warm and offering her any food she will take in...
  6. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Thank you! I am going to try and get an x-ray next week at her follow up, at this point I'm hoping it's a benign tumor since I've had other animals live happy lives with them.
  7. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Her fecal sample did not show any worms; I originally was starting a SafeGuard deworming just to be safe but the vet said it probably wasn't the case. Her bloodwork was also perfect, just slightly low Ca+ since she hasn't been eating oyster shells as much as she's not laying. She does have...
  8. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Not as good as a real picture but the circled part is where the lump is on this sketch! The vet said she would have suspected it to be her gizzard except that it’s way too big considering how emaciated she is.
  9. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Thank you, I will! She didn’t eat much yesterday until the evening but then she ate her special food when I added mealworms. Hoping yesterday was just weird and she had an appetite today.
  10. S

    Possible tumor advice

    I’ll do that, thank you! I’m putting her back with the other chickens for now and while she’s not eating she’s purring which I’m hoping is a good sign.
  11. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Thank you for your detailed reply, I appreciate it! The vet wanted to focus on her weight loss before worrying about the tumor/lump and I was preoccupied with that and forgot to mention it. I’m giving her the food recommended by the vet as well as layer crumble, oatmeal, mixed vegetables, and...
  12. S

    Possible tumor advice

    Update on sick chicken and advice I was able to find a vet who would see my sick chicken last week and she suspects a tumor on her lower left side near her vent and left leg. Is it possible that this tumor is benign? Or is it possible that it’s not a tumor? We can’t do any exploratory surgery...
  13. S

    Sick 1.5 year old hen help—what to do next?

    I felt her crop this morning and it appeared normal (very small). I gave her electrolyte water and raw egg this morning and just bought the SafeGuard goat dewormer and some Kickin Chicken supplements!
  14. S

    Sick 1.5 year old hen help—what to do next?

    I will check her crop tomorrow morning! I do not know the last time she laid an egg; it’s winter here and I don’t provide supplemental light. That amount corresponds with the growing Turkey quantity (slightly smaller) since there was no dose for chickens listed. I’ll try and get the goat dewormer!
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