Recent content by spiderbakesale

  1. S

    Rooster resting on hocks, moving backwards

    I got him six weeks ago, he did two weeks quarantine and then one week in the coop separated from the flock, and has been integrated for three weeks now. I will get poo photos asap, I just cleaned up before bed. I’ll have to call around because my normal chicken vet retired and my other two...
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    Rooster resting on hocks, moving backwards

    Sorry about the bunny poo in the pic, I had just gotten home and was working thru chores and my female bun loves pooing outside the box 😭 Barnaby is a 4m old ee roo. He is a healthy weight and condition other than this sudden issue. Two nights ago I noticed he was hiding by the barn door, I...
  3. S

    building the run first with cedar - feedback?

    Right I forgot the coop number is different than the run number! So more like 25 chickens, my coop is probably going to be 10x10 since we have cold winters in Wisconsin and I can't imagine being cooped up in a tiny little thing on really chilly days
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    building the run first with cedar - feedback?

    Thanks so much! I don't have any birds yet, so no worries about cutting it by them. My coworker is holding a roo and might be holding a few sebrights for me till my coop is up and running. At this rate, it seems that it might be quicker than previously suspected! I'll definitely share the...
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    building the run first with cedar - feedback?

    I have a carport that I'm turning into a run, its 10x20 with a sturdy tarp top. I plan on ditching the flimsy polls while keeping the roof and replacing the polls with 4"x4"x8' posts sunk 2' into the ground with gravel packed into the hole. There will be one 8' post in the center of the run to...
  6. S

    Diving into chickens again - hi there!

    Its such a great convenience! I'm really looking forward to the joys of livestock and the rewards of taking care of them. Its tough work sometimes but totally worth it. :3
  7. S

    Diving into chickens again - hi there!

    I used to show chickens for 4H when I was a kid. We got silkies when I was 6 and we got a bit carried away when we got our own place. I think at one point we had 250 chickens on our 20 acres! We had them all through my early high school days and then sold the majority of the flock to other 4H...
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