Recent content by SlaveJud

  1. SlaveJud

    Sterile hens????

    I would but there is no more. I should have taken photos. I am going to look for the same broody aggression in this next hatch and if I have one I will definitely take photos.
  2. SlaveJud

    Sterile hens????

    I have never seen anything like this before, I don’t see anything posted anywhere close to this, and I can’t find any information… I raise mixed BJG H Reds. The answer is not the hybrid- people barn yard mix all the time. The answer is not inbreeding - I have 2 different breeds from 3 different...
  3. SlaveJud

    Lazy Black Australorps!!!

    I know because I haven't gotten get any small new layer eggs, soft eggs, or light creamier colored eggs. My girls lay dark eggs and the hatchery said their Australorps lay light eggs. And no worries about the broody hens. I got extra so I can cull the broody ladies before next my next hatch in...
  4. SlaveJud

    Lazy Black Australorps!!!

    The combs and waddles are quite small compared to my other girls. But my girls have very large combs and most people think they are Roos so I don’t have a fair comparison.
  5. SlaveJud

    Lazy Black Australorps!!!

    The hatchery told me their line started at 16 weeks. I had several breeds pick out to match my existing flock - BJG and HRIR half breeds. I wanted to add better egg numbers without loosing to much meat production. I think I should have purchased the black sex link instead… Standard 18 - 20%...
  6. SlaveJud

    Lazy Black Australorps!!!

    My BA are from Meyers hatchery. They hatched on September 19. They are 23-24 weeks old. They still haven’t started laying. When I ordered them, I was told they was supposed to start at 16 weeks. I have contacted the hatchery. I have checked the souls of the feet and they are white. The girls...
  7. SlaveJud

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I have been looking for good roosters for years. This year’s getting new roosters deadline is already past but please let me know how I might buy roosters for next year.
  8. SlaveJud

    Looking for large heritage Rhode Island Red breeder

    I am looking for a breeder of the old large Heritage Rhode Island Reds. I currently have RIRS but I am looking for a better quality boys to go with my girls. Any information would be helpful. Thank you and have a beautiful day
  9. SlaveJud

    Heritage Rhode Island Reds

    I have been looking for 5 years for a breeder of the old large Heritage Rhode Island reds. Please let me know if you find anyone willing to sell them.
  10. SlaveJud

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I just accidentally opened this thread. I hope it is still active. I have been searching for the last 5 years to find a true HRIR breeder. I am in love with the 1946 line but getting chick's is impossible. Any response is appreciated. Thank you and have a beautiful day.
  11. SlaveJud

    My Rhode Island Red Rooster

    Angel of camera is because if a hen named midget on my shoulder so my apologies. I did not know that chickens was so lax in their lines. I appreciate all the info. I never planned on trying to pass Tails off as a show rooster, I just didn’t want to lie to anyone who asked me what bread he is. I...
  12. SlaveJud

    Is he worth breading?

    Thank you! I do feel better now. And yes, I have not bought anything from her nor will I ever again. And she even has the Purina anniversary signs I want but I refuse to buy them from her....
  13. SlaveJud

    Is he worth breading?

    I bought 30 eggs from her. She gave me 16 chicks and told me that she gave me 14 girls and 2 boys. I found out later that she gave me 14 boys and 2 girls. Later I buy 12 laying hens. She had them already crated when I picked them up. We got home and started looking at the girls. 1 was sick and...
  14. SlaveJud

    My Rhode Island Red Rooster

    This is Tails. He is our boy and a very good tempered boy at that. He doesn’t attack me and only bites my husband. He is still very protective of the girls and will attack others that try to go to my coop. ( I consider that a good thing) The problem is that half of white feather on his butt. The...
  15. SlaveJud

    Is he worth breading?

    This is my little man, Tails. He is a very good boy. He doesn’t attack me, but he does bite my husband. He is very protective of my girls . But I am the person I bought him from turned out to be completely untrustworthy. Sometimes he will grow 1 partly white feather on his butt. It quickly...
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