Recent content by Sky_Chickens

  1. Sky_Chickens

    Dead Silkie Hen

    Thank you ❤️
  2. Sky_Chickens

    Dead Silkie Hen

    Thank you so much for your help! This whole thing has sucked but at least I’m able to learn from it thank you again!
  3. Sky_Chickens

    Dead Silkie Hen

    Thank you so much ❤️ All the pictures and diagrams I’ve seen made it look like that wasn’t something that could happen. I’ll make sure to keep this in mind next time I have to give my babies medicine!
  4. Sky_Chickens

    Dead Silkie Hen

    Yes, (if I’m understanding what your asking) I didn’t push it down her throat though I just held her beak open and put it closer to the start of her beak so she wouldn’t spit it out again. Is that what got her?
  5. Sky_Chickens

    Dead Silkie Hen

    Hi everyone! I want to start by saying this is probably the wrong place to put this ask but I really don’t know where else to put it I don’t use this very much but I couldn’t find any categories related to chicken death. I’m really sorry if this is in the completely wrong discussion zone...
  6. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    Just a Little update for everyone I took her to the vet this morning, I wasn’t going to but she kept shaking and looked like she was in a bunch of pain so I took her. They think she has gout though the vet is going to talk with another vet he knows who only sees chickens to see what he thinks...
  7. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    I’ve tried giving her the tablet and she won’t take it, could I mix it into here sugar water?
  8. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    Okay I’ll keep doing that! Thank you for the help :)
  9. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    She’s drank the sugar water and his trying to stand but she’s sitting on her butt with her legs straight out so she can’t when I stand her up myself she falls down. I know she can move because I’ve placed her on one end of the brooder and then I had to leave the room and when I came back she was...
  10. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    I’m feeling around and I don’t feel much of a difference and can’t see one either because of all her feathers
  11. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    I gave her the water and she’s trying to stand but isn’t able to get up on her own that much without assistance her leg is going outwards and forwards while the other one is just forwards. Im feeling around now how should it feel?
  12. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    I’m about to trim the feathers away from her eyes and her siblings’ eyes, I can’t find any tablets only gels. When I eventually find tablets how should I give her the Vitamin E and B-Complex?
  13. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    After looking at some pictures it does look like it could be dislocation. If it is what should I do for her?
  14. Sky_Chickens

    Broken leg?

    I thought about that though I’m not sure what a dislocated chicken leg looks like I’ll look up some pictures. Her legs keep slipping forward no matter what surface she’s on
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