Recent content by Skipper Carnes

  1. Skipper Carnes


  2. Skipper Carnes


    I bought a new eastern box turtle and put him in my outdoor enclosure, but even though he can't see through the walls and has plenty of things to do inside his enclosure, he paces the fence back and fourth. He is eager to eat, but after eating, goes right back to pacing the wall. He eats live...
  3. Skipper Carnes

    Huge worm in poop!

    I would use DE as a natural and gentle dewormer. I use it for my silkies and it works great.
  4. Skipper Carnes

    Broken Egg, Dead Chick: Day 19 of Incubating :(

    I wouldn't clean them unless they either had rotten egg juice or broody poop on them. I am very sorry that you lost one! Hopefully your others do good!
  5. Skipper Carnes

    Hello I’m new here I’ve just started raising chicks!! I have silkies, bantam cochin, Mille Fleur d’uccle, and Standard cochin chicks.

    :welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome:welcome WELCOME TO BYC!!! This is truly the best website for poultry education!!!!
  6. Skipper Carnes

    Help! Duck Egg Problem!

    Hey BYCers!!! I have a duck egg in the incubator that has been candled and is still alive and active, but he externally pipped on day 26 of incubation, and now it is day 28 and he has only made progress by another small crack. 2 days and that is all the progress! Is that normal. As I said, today...
  7. Skipper Carnes

    Duck Egg Question...

    Hey y'all, how do you know when a duck egg has just begun the unzipping stage? How long after the unzipping starts do they hatch?
  8. Skipper Carnes

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    A couple of great movies to watch would be War Room and Fireproof. Satan does not like a strong marriage, and will do anything to destroy one. God is on your side!
  9. Skipper Carnes

    Some HELP is needed! Baby duck hatching 3 days early!

    I have a baby duck named Finn being hatched under a broody hen and he was growing abnormally fast through incubation compared to other incubating duck egg. He is peeping inside the egg and chewing the membrane. He is hatching 3 days early. Is hatching this early dangerous? The other duck egg...
  10. Skipper Carnes


    She is limping a little, I am guessing a sprain, but other than that, no injuries or anything, and she didn't go into shock! Praise the Lord! She survived a dog attack with no blood! She is eating like crazy. Thank you for helping!
  11. Skipper Carnes


    Yes, we have. No blood or injuries, thankfully.
  12. Skipper Carnes

    Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much!
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