Recent content by skeeeter

  1. S

    Fire Ants

    personally I use pyrethrum ant powder. bust open the mound and lay it on.
  2. S

    Domestic Pet Duck what to do about flying?

    Hi, seeing as how young and slim your duck still is, yes the wing clipping was necessary.. perhaps next year, or later you won't have to clip. Some ducks get used to not flying and either just give up or feel to lazy to try anymore.:fl
  3. S

    What to feed 3 month Muscovy?

    Hi, let me suggest, you can set out a pan of water under a low wattage electric light (not too close) and you will catch enough insect food for her to boost vitamin and protein content of the starter feed. At 3- 4 months, you still have to watch out for angelwing.. so if your duck can get out...
  4. S

    Vinegar in water

    Hi! as yall just revived this old thread, I'd like to tell what I was told by an ag. student about using vinegar/sour milk for fowl. It seems that these cultures create enough acidity to keep salmonella from taking hold and sickening the stock. Personally, we don't routinely add vinegar to their...
  5. S

    Fire Ants

    Hi, if you plan on hatching chicks, you need to get rid of the ants. They will invade the nest on hatch night and eat your pipped chicks alive. Its very ugly and upsetting.
  6. S

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    Hi, I know it was rough, and perhaps you had no other options because of space issues. I just wanted to say that another option could be: just separate the roosters permanently. Folks do keep roosters tethered to a small shelter, here down south. You know, like some people will chain a dog to...
  7. S

    Bio-security? Anyone else scared to touch their chicks?

    Hi, I use creosote oil or hydrated lime in my outside brooder. If I have to brood inside, I do it in cardboard boxes. They are cheap/free and I can change or throw them out(burn them) anytime.
  8. S

    Questions about different duck breeds

    Hi, for what it's worth, I read on Metzer's website that they DO ship overseas. 😏
  9. S

    Advice/Assistance/Information ~ in other words I need HELP!

    Hi, would it be possible to get the gosling a buddy? That would solve its loneliness issues I imagine.
  10. S

    Please help with goose breed and possible sex...

    geese and turkeys are not "dumber" than other poultry. They, like parrots, are smarter. Dumber fowl and animals have more instinct. The smarter the organism, the less instinct driven it is. Which means they have to be taught. Geese are smart and want you to solve their distress. That they can...
  11. S

    Official BYC Poll: How often do you change your chickens' water in hot weather?

    Hi, everything depends on setup. for my chicks, I usually have to check their water vessels like 3 times a day, as they are on the floor and "there's a whole lot of shakin(scratching) going on." With my older birds, (2 months plus), water vessels usually have to be filled only once a day. They...
  12. S

    Topic of the Week - Broody vs Incubator

    (toaster over) I meant toaster oven.
  13. S

    Topic of the Week - Broody vs Incubator

    Hi! I've had bad experiences and great experiences with both Broodyhens and incubators. Things like power outages really spoil incubator plans, even if yours is a great one. Giving first time broodies eggs too soon also is a giant risk. I have had great results with the brazilian incubator we...
  14. S

    Please help with goose breed and possible sex...

    Hi! They are both adorable goslings. As you stated that the lady had both Chinese and "African" geese together, let us suppose you got a crossbreed pair. If they stay within the weight limit, you can say they are Chinese. Most "African" geese are not true Africans. They are oversized Chinese...
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