Recent content by SJUDD

  1. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Thank you. Obviously, I don't know much about turkeys. I think it is time to do some research.
  2. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    She doesn't let me get too close but I will try, this weekend. I am 99% sure those are her babies as all the other hens I have are white. They are freaking adorable and I am looking forward to seeing how Chicken handles things when the turkeys are just a little bigger. :)
  3. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Oh! I was at the feed store, this week, and asked them if they knew what breed the turkey I got from them was. They said it was a Black Spanish. So possibly that is what she is :)
  4. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    This was taken, last night, of the chicken and her five turkey babies. The Royal Palm Hen ended up with four babies. They are all doing well. Thanks for everything, you guys!!
  5. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    AND my Royal Palm started hatching out chicks, this morning! Amazing! We are going to have SO many turkeys, soon!!
  6. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Here is the chicken with the turkey chicks. She is being a great Mom... we will see how she does when they are all bigger than her :)
  7. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Very interesting. Mine follow me around 4 acres, talking to me and pecking at strings on my shorts. They crack me up
  8. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    That makes sense. So then I am assuming that his telling me they don't live past 6-7 months is a lie, too? :) He is an older man who knows "everything"
  9. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Thank you. That is very interesting. My neighbor told me, this weekend, that Broad Breasted are sterile and so not to expect any babies from the two that I have. I thought that was kind of weird, because where would the next batch of Broad Breasted come from? My two are 5 months old and, if...
  10. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    I am sorry, I am new to this... what is a CG carrier? Our local feed store gets in a shipment of chicks once a year and has a big sale. So far, everything I have gotten from them has been healthy and good quality. I got 20 Buff Orpington chickens from them, this year as well as two Broad...
  11. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    When I bought her, I also bought a gray turkey (Ended up being a Tom, though, so we didn't keep him) they said "Slate", but I thought they were talking about the Grey one. I didn't realize there was a black slate as well.... I will have to see if the store remembers what turkeys they had last...
  12. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Thank you. She and my Royal Palm hen are also both sitting on nests. I have a feeling we are going to end up with a LOT of turkeys, this year
  13. SJUDD

    Do you know what breed she is?

    Good morning I had a lone Royal Palm Tom and so I bought him a couple girlfriends. I know one is a Royal Palm but I do not know what the other one is. We took 12 eggs to the neighbor, who had a broody chicken and no rooster, so she sat and we have five babies, as of yesterday. They are all...
  14. SJUDD

    Something attacked my turkey

    This happened at night. Or early enough in the morning for me not to be out there, yet. I feed at 530am, though, so it would have had to be pretty early. I have four acres that are perimeter fenced with 5' no climb horse fencing. Then the run an coop are fenced inside of that. I didn't think...
  15. SJUDD

    Dewormer treatment. Help!!!

    I am growing Wormwood for my goats and horses... curious if this would be a good natural dewormer for chickens, too? I currently sprinkle DTE on their feed... I was told it would help with all internal parasites
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