Recent content by SilverRayne

  1. SilverRayne

    Guess the sex of 12 week chicks

    A little disappointing! We wanted to keep a few roosters but not a dozen lol. We will be rehoming to some friends with their own flocks!
  2. SilverRayne

    Guess the sex of 12 week chicks

    We got some straight run chicks in February and we were planning on giving away some of the roosters if we ended up with too many. Just wanting to see if what I think is a roo is what the general chicken public also thinks! Breeds pictured: white/blue/black chicks are Jersey Giant Red chicks...
  3. SilverRayne

    Rooster Just Dropped Dead... Why?!

    I went to throw some strawberries out this afternoon for the birds and they all came running over to get a snack. One of my 2 year old roosters, who is the more aggressive one, came running over to eat. He started pecking at a berry then some hens came over to share and he let them eat it. Then...
  4. SilverRayne

    Needing suggestions for a naughty Roo

    We started our flock last spring, got all our chicks from the local farm supply store, they were all supposed to be female but we ended up with one roo. He's about 7 months old now. He had been super friendly up until just about a month ago. It started with him charging towards my daughter when...
  5. SilverRayne

    Needing suggestions for a naughty Roo

    We started our flock last spring, got all our chicks from the local farm supply store, they were all supposed to be female but we ended up with one roo. He's about 7 months old now. He had been super friendly up until just about a month ago. It started with him charging towards my daughter when...
  6. SilverRayne

    Is she a hen or a roo?

    I thought so! We weren't really wanting a rooster but he is really nice so I guess he can stay. ❤️ Thanks for the quick reply!
  7. SilverRayne

    Is she a hen or a roo?

    We purchased a bunch of chicks a while back, this one in particular is a production red. They were all sexed but I'm starting to think we got a rooster by accident. She crows, she tries to mount the other girls, she is huge compared to the other hens her age... I feel like I am in denial so I...
  8. SilverRayne

    Hello from Kansas!

    We had kept our ducks separate, they stayed out in the run while the chickens went to bed in the coop. We had part of a swing set we tore down and used the house on it as their shelter so they would be safe from the elements. We were working on building their house to put down by the pond but...
  9. SilverRayne

    Hello from Kansas!

    Hi there. We just started our flock a couple months ago. My daughter has been wanting some laying hens and just joined the poultry project for our local 4-H club. We picked up some new chicks a couple months ago and have mostly Ameraucanas with a couple Production Reds, New Hampshire Reds, and...
  10. SilverRayne

    Sour Crop? I'm not sure. Help please :)

    I have a chicken, about 8-9 weeks old, that has been outside for about a week now. She wasn't leaving the coop yesterday and acting pretty lethargic so I brought her into the garage with the heat lamp. I checked her breastbone and it is pretty prominent, her crop is squishy, her vent is clear...
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