Recent content by SilverPhoenix

  1. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    I put her on a heating pad and gave her just a little bit of warm water by syringe, and she had a seizure in my arms and passed away. Very sad.... Rest in peace, Charlotte, I'm going to miss you a lot... She didn't look so bad off earlier in the day but went downhill awfully fast. Poor thing...
  2. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    Okay! She does actually have some water in her crop so I think she's drinking some on her own, but of course that doesn't rule out dehydration. In fact she has some clear mucus in her mouth so I'm definitely thinking I need to get some hydration in her.
  3. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    Thanks for your input Kathy! I'll give that a try. I'm not sure I have what I need for tubefeeding but I'll check--I did wildlife rehab years ago so it's possible I have the supplies but I'm not 100% on that. I'll definitely find a way to get fluids down her (without aspiration) regardless.
  4. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    I'll try and send her a message with a link to this thread. Thanks for your help!
  5. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    Yeah, there's definitely something wrong. I'm very concerned. I'm trying to figure out what to do aside from worming... Do you think I should give the Metronidazole a try, assuming I can get some in a timely manner?
  6. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    Thank you for the advice! I'll get some wormer down her ASAP. I'll observe her more to see if she's eating or drinking at all, and if not I'll make sure she gets the food and water she needs. Yes, she did lay some eggs. I'm not sure how many because she's in with another peahen, but I believe...
  7. SilverPhoenix

    Weak, thin peahen -- Help please!

    I noticed one of my peahens, Charlotte, is weak/lethargic and somewhat thin today. She is not horribly emaciated, but her keel is definitely more prominent than that of my other peahen. She's letting me handle her, which is unusual, and spending most of her time sitting on the ground. She can...
  8. SilverPhoenix

    Serama pullet -- Sudden loss of ability to walk?

    Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain at this point that it was Marek's. She continued to go downhill, losing weight and losing control of her body. She eventually died despite my best efforts. When I had another case of Marek's a few years after losing Magpie, I decided to euthanize at an earlier...
  9. SilverPhoenix

    Baby pigeon question -- would love some advice!

    Thank you so much for the advice, it's just what I needed to hear! Fortunately, I came home from work today to find the little squab with a very full crop, so they're back to taking good care of him! Going to keep them inside for now.
  10. SilverPhoenix

    Baby pigeon question -- would love some advice!

    Hi everyone! I have a lovely pair of pigeons living in one of my chicken coops, and they have about a week old squab that they're raising. They had a nest high up on a platform in the henhouse (the henhouse is an adapted shed). However, my chickens are very curious and many are small flighted...
  11. SilverPhoenix

    Weird respiratory/voice issue with mother hen. Please help!

    I have a mother serama hen who is currently caring for 6 older chicks. She has been perfectly fine health-wise up until now, but then these odd symptoms suddenly struck a few days ago... In my 16+ years of having chickens, I've never seen this before! - She seems to have lost her voice, and...
  12. SilverPhoenix

    2014 Stockton CA pre-sale

    Great! Anything you want to know about him? He's a beautiful bird. I'll only bring him along if you're reasonably sure you want him, though!
  13. SilverPhoenix

    2014 Stockton CA pre-sale

    It's a bit late to post, but I have a gorgeous pure white serama rooster who I'd like to sell for $30. He's about a year old, maybe younger? I seem incapable of getting a decent picture of him but here's something anyway: He's average-sized (about a B), and he has nice type, including a...
  14. SilverPhoenix

    Okay, what breed of tom turkey do I have here?

    Thank you! He is an impressive bird, and so sweet, too! I'm glad to have him in my flock. A friend suggested Augustus for his name, and I think it fits him perfectly! I hope your babies pull through, Glenmar. Always so sad and disappointing. I had some wild turkey poults once that I brought...
  15. SilverPhoenix

    Okay, what breed of tom turkey do I have here?

    Thanks, I was thinking maybe royal palm and narraganset cross myself! I think he's too light colored to be a full narraganset and too large to be a full royal palm (we have some royal palms at work), so that could be it! I'll see what my co-workers think, too, they know quite a bit about...
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