Recent content by showgirl3

  1. showgirl3

    Comment by 'showgirl3' in item 'Big Bird Laying Nests'

    our chickens like to lay eggs in beer cases! its really weird, we built them some and they sarted to lay under the coop so we tried to simulate that and thats were they lay eggs!
  2. showgirl3

    Found One Of The Girls In The Pool!

    but they float right
  3. showgirl3

    Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

    Orangie and Lacey Mango, Orangie, Alice, And Rockey Orangie Lacey R.I.P. Mango March 2013-7-25-2014
  4. showgirl3

    Found One Of The Girls In The Pool!

    can a chicken swim without help?
  5. showgirl3

    Polish Thread

    Polishes are like my favorite breed! They are so sweet and love attention. My chicken Alice is a total camera hog. Whenever i take my camera out she just comes running. I don't know how she knows my camera is out cause she can barely see! So go out and have a photo shoot with...
  6. showgirl3

    2015 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    sry bout the first one, this one is bigger "Kevin Among The Dandelions" "Alice the Feather Model"
  7. showgirl3

    Wyandotte thread

    I just bought a wyandotte named katniss she is so sweet and i wanna see all of y'alls wyandottes! sry bout the perch the birds were stressed and camera shy
  8. showgirl3

    Silkie Thread

    this is kevin
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