Recent content by Shipgirl

  1. Shipgirl

    Easter Egger or Ameraucana?

    These are the only pics I have- what do we think? EE or true ameraucana?
  2. Shipgirl

    Rooster got me! Infection paranoia

    Keep it clean and dry. Watch it for redness, swelling, foul odor, fever. If any of that occurs go to the doctor. Depending on how deep it was- likely it’s fine. Cats tend to have stuff that causes hospitalizations quite frequently believe it or not. Roosters not so much. I’d be more scared of...
  3. Shipgirl

    Is My Green Queen A King?

    What color egg? Congrats!
  4. Shipgirl

    Ducks… and chickens?

    one duck egg goes on lockdown 1 day before the silkies. So that’s fine. The others go on lockdown 6 days later. Hoping all will hatch quickly together and I can remove them (usually my chicks hatch on day 20) if I lock down for the first hatches, I can reduce the humidity and begin turning again...
  5. Shipgirl

    Why is my Hen laying this color egg?

    Thats pretty cool. This hen lays the same every time since she started laying. Doesn’t wash off or anything. I hatched her chick, which is 9 weeks old now to see if she will lay similarly.
  6. Shipgirl

    Why is my Hen laying this color egg?

    I hatched her chick. Wondering if her pullet last the same or now. She’s 9weeks old now. Just a waiting game
  7. Shipgirl

    Ducks… and chickens?

    Sunday as in 1 week from today! Just to clarify
  8. Shipgirl

    Ducks… and chickens?

    So I have a problem. My grandpa gave me a duck egg to hatch out almost 12 days ago, which I put in my incubator. He gave me another today so I put that one in. And my mom asked me to put 4 silkie eggs in on Sunday. I only have one incubator. How do I manage these hatch dates when they are...
  9. Shipgirl

    Straight run odds.

    I know this is a little bit older of a post- But I only get straight run TSC chicks if I feel confident in my own sexing ability of the breed. Like cream legbars or barred rocks- I can tell by looking mostly.
  10. Shipgirl

    Bluebell Easter egger

    Look kinda like mine
  11. Shipgirl

    Help me decide: chicks or pullets?

    Every time they grow up, I’m like, “oh! I have room in my brooder now!” 😅
  12. Shipgirl

    Help me decide: chicks or pullets?

    If you go for chicks: Minus the cuddle and just standing there to stare at them cuz they are so cute this is an estimate of time daily: 5 min to change water and make sure they have food 2-5min to check them visually/ health (pasty butt, temp, etc) I change the chick bedding (wood shavings)...
  13. Shipgirl

    Help me decide: chicks or pullets?

    If you have a good brooder setup, then it really only is 10min of work a day on average
  14. Shipgirl

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Had 11 laying hens and got 8-9/day. Have 6 of them now- getting 5-6/day. 🤷‍♀️
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