Recent content by shineandrise

  1. shineandrise


  2. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-19-21 Pic by fatty and friends

    Who says we aren't the Beastie Boys??
  3. shineandrise

    Thanks for the follow!

    Thanks for the follow!
  4. shineandrise


    Hey glad you are here! Hope you learn a lot and connect here, I know you won't regret joining.
  5. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-19-21 Pic by fatty and friends

    "We got the suit, no one will know we bathed in the cow waterer."
  6. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-19-21 Pic by fatty and friends

    "Hold your bills up high, we are all set for a sweet date."
  7. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-19-21 Pic by fatty and friends

    Brown duck: "A bow tie? You all are amateurs, I'll be the one getting all the girls!"
  8. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-19-21 Pic by fatty and friends

    "Now that we are dressed up, we are ready to BOUNCE TO THE MOON!"
  9. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-12-21 Pic by NBtruckie1

    Boy: So if the egg comes out this end, does the poop come out the other? *five seconds later* Boy: Nope. Definitely this end.
  10. shineandrise

    Aww thanks so much! I'm glad that you think so. I like yours too ;)

    Aww thanks so much! I'm glad that you think so. I like yours too ;)
  11. shineandrise

    BYC's 13th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along - 2022

    Awww not hatching until spring... :(
  12. shineandrise

    New Mama

    Welcome! Hope you have a great time in the community here, we are glad you joined us!
  13. shineandrise

    New member-Hi everyone!

    Glad you are here! Welcome to BYC and we hope you have a great time in the community.
  14. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-12-21 Pic by NBtruckie1

    Boy: I wonder if I squeeze it harder if another egg will come out? Hen: Oh something will come out, just not what you expect!
  15. shineandrise

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 11-12-21 Pic by NBtruckie1

    Hen: This is what happens when mom says it's a great idea for her public schooled kid to get chickens.
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