Recent content by shessowitte

  1. shessowitte

    Complicated batch hatching

    I just finished a weird hatch in my Brinsea Octagon where the first chick hatched a full five days before the rest. Then it was a trickle every day of the next five days for a total of 10 chicks. All healthy. I kept the humidity above 65 for those 5 days. Here are the actual fluffs.
  2. shessowitte

    Muscovy Duckling Colors

    They’re beautiful! You might have some barred, but probably will have to wait for adult molt to be sure.
  3. shessowitte

    Whiting True Blue Chat Thread!

    Pretty chickens! I’m guessing the one with the black tail and straight comb laid the tan egg? Let us see when you start getting blue eggs!!
  4. shessowitte

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    My newest additions to the family. Bronze drake, Darius Rucker 3 bronze babies Blue magpie drake, Waylon Jennings
  5. shessowitte

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    Updated photo of Hank Williams.
  6. shessowitte

    Magnificent Marvelous Muscovies!

    My gang. I’m enjoying this thread so much!! Thanks for making yet another place I can share my sweet ducks. Elvis Hank Williams Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn Minnie Pearl, Tanya Tucker and Willie Nelson Helen Carter Johnny Cash June and Mother Maybelle Carter Tammy Wynette (right)
  7. shessowitte

    Ended Halloween/Thanksgiving HAL Other Poultry Photo Contest

    Johnny Cash, a six month old Muscovy drake.
  8. shessowitte

    Muscovy duck colors at 12 weeks

    He is, and such a sweet boy.:love
  9. shessowitte

    Muscovy duck colors at 12 weeks

    Thank you @learycow I am trying to use the color calculator and didn’t know where to put him!
  10. shessowitte

    Show Off Your Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Blue Fawn, and Pastel Ducks and Ducklings!

    A little late to the game but here are my Muscovy blues and lilacs, 6 months old. The white drake has a pastel chocolate tail.
  11. shessowitte

    Muscovy duck colors at 12 weeks

    Updated photos at six months old. The white drake is a new addition, 14 months old with a pastel chocolate tail. The underside of his wings is pale blue when he flaps. Also a shot of his tail from behind. Would he be called a fume?
  12. shessowitte

    Review by 'shessowitte' in article 'Avian Pox in Chickens - Warning, Graphic Pictures (under construction)'

    I’m so happy this article is here and explains that it’s pretty common. I thought it was preventable or my fault somehow. Only one chicken showing signs, so she is quarantined.
  13. shessowitte

    Muscovy ducklings sexing game!!

    Yep, that sounds about right. This is their mama, and the father is a white drake.
  14. shessowitte

    Muscovy ducklings sexing game!!

    You lucky duck, you!! I’m dying for babies, but probably will not have anything now until spring.
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