Recent content by Sherski71

  1. Sherski71


    We get our feed from Bid D Ranch in Kuna, you can get local products, non gmo and a 50lb bag is $10.50 I think. It is a mix of grains that is ground to a medium fineness. We've been on it since last year and get ALOT of eggs, chickens are healthy.
  2. Sherski71

    Bresse chicks!

    I just ordered six! Can't wait to get them:)
  3. Sherski71

    Looking for Marans, Legbar, and Araucana hatching eggs

    I posted in the right place, but don't know how to delete this one?
  4. Sherski71

    Looking for eggs to hatch! CCLB, BCM's, Americauna

    I am in Boise, Idaho and looking for very dark Marans eggs, also looking to add some more CLB hens, looking for blue rather than the green eggs if anyone has those. Also BLUE layers, Americanas or other rare breeds etc. Please contact me if you have any breed laying that color. I have an EE...
  5. Sherski71

    Looking for Marans, Legbar, and Araucana hatching eggs

    Sorry, New to Backyard chickens, I did look through listings but thought it might be just easier to post what I was looking for? I am looking for Araucana's, may be hard to find but fingers crossed:)
  6. Sherski71

    The Best Bcm, Blues, Birchen Hatching Eggs

    I am also interested in a mix of your darkest layers.
  7. Sherski71

    Looking for Marans, Legbar, and Araucana hatching eggs

    I am in Boise, Idaho and looking for very dark Marans eggs from correct lines. Also looking to add some more CLB hens, looking for blue rather than the green eggs if anyone has those. And of course true Araucana blue layers also. I am interested in the baby blue's, please contact me if you...
  8. Sherski71

    NPIP Marans Eggs: Blue Birchen, Blue, Blue Copper, Black & Splash

    I would like to be added to your list. Interested in eggs from both groups looking for darkest egg colors. Thanks!
  9. Sherski71

    12+ Opal Legbar hatching eggs $135 shipped NPIP AI

    I would also like to be added to your list! They are gorgeous chickens! Would prefer chicks to eggs but will take what I can get
  10. Sherski71

    NorCal Looking for Cream Legbar, BFCM, Ameriflower, Sweedish Flower, or anything else

    I would also looove to have some of your BCM eggs to hatch! They are gorgeous for sure! Can you PM me? I'm looking for around 20-30 and in Boise.
  11. Sherski71

    FBCM Hatching eggs (Splash, Black, Blue)

    I would like to get on your list for hatching eggs☻
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