Recent content by shelbear81

  1. shelbear81

    Silkie Emergency!!

    thank you so much, she is eating and drinking and she even stood for a few minutes today... I am waiting a few more days before I get too excited... I think the mites may have made her anemic...
  2. shelbear81

    Silkie thread!

    I have no idea, I have been reading for hours and it seems that lice, and mites can make a chicken not want to stand, along with several other things such as mareks... I am really worried that I will have to put her down... I am very upset, she is one of my favorites!!
  3. shelbear81

    Silkie thread!

    Is there anyone who can help me... I posted this in the emergency section, but since she is a silkie I was hoping someone would be willing to help! My silkie hen is about a year old, first she stopped laying just thought it was because the days were getting shorter, then she started to lay...
  4. shelbear81

    Silkie Emergency!!

    My silkie hen is about a year old, and she had started to act funny. She stopped laying (I know the days are getting shorter so I didnt think much of it), then she started laying around in the coop after I let them into the run in the morning, now she won't stand up. I brought her in this...
  5. shelbear81

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I know, I am so excited!!! I am going tomorrow to get 6 silkies off her, and since she is thinning her breeds maybe we can strike a deal on something else... lol
  6. shelbear81

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I have a SLW too and she looks to be about the same size as yours, and she too is a little sweetie!! She is so gentle and loving, my 4 and 8 yr old girls can pick her up and she just hangs out on the arms and shoulders and stuff... great breed, would def get more SLW!!
  7. shelbear81

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    I love that name... I thought of a good one for an escape artist... Poof... cuz you know magicians and wizards on tv through that dust and it makes a cloud and then they poof away and escape... just a thought!! lol
  8. shelbear81

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Speaking of unexpected crowing.... Mama, have any of the four chicks crowed or anything?? Just wanna make sure... they are probably incognito anyway!! lol
  9. shelbear81

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hello everyone!! I am back online, and I even have a shred of sanity left!!! I am back online just intime to go see mama2my4 on sunday!!! lol yay!!
  10. shelbear81

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    I think you should name the escape artist Houdina!! LMAO... ok not the best name, but I didn't have any notice!!
  11. shelbear81

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Hey Everyone!!! Finally have internet at my new house, and have found all the parts to my computer in the various boxes around my house!!! lol So happy to be back in the land of technology and the world of chicken lovin!!! Chris- I would love to change the title but I have no idea how!!! If...
  12. shelbear81

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    That would so be me!!! Hey, she could probably make good money... if there was a video... my nephew swears that you should always have a video camera on you (he's five and loves AFV) I have heard a few more too... but, no, never that!!
  13. shelbear81

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    ok, my PA peeps, it is time to head back to the stoneage... I am officially out of the old house tonight, so I will not have access to the internet!! I don't know what I will do untill the phone company gets me hooked up, but I am sure it will look something like this....
  14. shelbear81

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    LOL, I can always just change the thread title, can't I?? some of you are re-setting, right?? No Pics till tomorrow?? well, I am afraid I will be without internet for a while after tonight so, just leave a trail if you decide to start a new thread 'cause I am so there!!!
  15. shelbear81

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    No, I would think she needs to work on her rooster to hen ratio or something...
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