Recent content by shay20

  1. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    Been awhile since on here, been awhile that we have not been to the meets, alot going on. Hopefully next meet we can make it, will be looking for a peacock.
  2. shay20

    Black D'uccle ? What?

    Started up my project again this year
  3. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    The state tests at 4 months and up, can not be under 4 months as it can give a false positive
  4. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    The neas club meet is at the Westford sportsman club tho Sunday, it is the last one of the season it's the cookout, will start back up in Sept. May have been a confusion with swaps from when I was holding the stocks, hopefully this fall we can hold a chicken stock at my house ;) thank you...
  5. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    Wow i havent been on byc for awhile, shame on me lol, hows everyone doing?? Hopeing to be at the meet in april, i have chicks for sale and pot belly piglets
  6. shay20

    Black D'uccle ? What?

    Your black hen is beautiful, your chicks are to, unfortanatly, i had a few go missing and then something got into my deuccle pen, but i did start my project back up this winter so far no eggs lol, i have had a few peaple ask me for them.
  7. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    Will u be going to westford next Sunday, if so csn u bring them, i will take them
  8. shay20

    Townsend Farmers Exchange chicken swap

    I am sorry i haven't kept up with this thread, This chicken swap does happen every second sunday of every month.
  9. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    hi just letting you there doung great, one duccle i named Beaky Boy, his beaks a little off, he is such a mommas boy lol, i love him, he has the same personality of my two late Beaky girls ee, i have pictures on him on my facebook wall
  10. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    Anytime, do u need my address, its 188 fitchburg rd townsend, not sure if u know we moved across the street
  11. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    I have two white Chinese geese for sale and 8 guinea keets for sale , i can sell now if anyone is interested and can not make it to the swap
  12. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    I can take them , can either meet me there or bring to my place in Townsend before
  13. shay20

    NEAS Meet-up's Westford ma (buy sell swap)11/4 see post #1090

    Aug 3, not sept, yes august 3 , confirmed by vice president of the neas Tom , is the next meet at Tom doherty house, 8to 11, 104 providence rd westford ma, you donnot need to be a member to buy, you do need to be a member to sell
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