Recent content by Sh1nyH4ppy

  1. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Reunite Incubator-hatched chicks & broody mama hen raising chick?

    Other hens also showing how to scratch. Roo seems protective from s few feet away. Two days, so far so good! And we have 3 more eggs hatching in the brooder!
  2. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Reunite Incubator-hatched chicks & broody mama hen raising chick?

    Hatchling is dry & fluffy so I reunited her with mama Spade & sister. Spade gave her a gentle peck or two to guide her and the bigger sister is showing her how to chow down. We're watching closely. They're exploring the coop, and visitors have again been curious and gentle. Any blood and the...
  3. Sh1nyH4ppy

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We're in a windy North Texas zone 8a. We've added pairs of pecan, apricot & honey crisp apple trees to our container garden of meyer lemons, satsuma mandarins, figs, blueberries & blackberries. We planted seed potatoes in straw (Ruth Stout method), and then onion sets and broccoli in grow...
  4. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Comment by 'Sh1nyH4ppy' in article 'How To Tame Chickens from the Start'

    Thank you for this article! My daughter just did her Science Fair experiment on making chicks friendlier, but she started too late, they were already integrated with the greater flock. Interesting how much bteed can make the difference, and was not a variable we were able to control in this...
  5. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Reunite Incubator-hatched chicks & broody mama hen raising chick?

    On Wednesday our broody Black Orpington hen (Spade) hatched a chick (Stormy), the first of ours to hatch naturally from her brooder mate rooster (Motley). All told, we have a barnyard mix of 21 including 3 roos. Spade & Stormy abandoned the nesting box. We found a chick that didn't make it out...
  6. Sh1nyH4ppy

    prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

    Bless you prayer warriors! Praying with you!
  7. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Hoop Greenhouse as a Coop?

    We were wondering if a 20' x 10' x 6'h hoop greenhouse might work for 24 layer chickens, as long as we hung roosts and nests and feeders/waterers. But we're presently in Tornado Alley, windy every day. We just assembled & dutifully anchored the greenhouse a day before a thunderstorm. Of...
  8. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Meet the Flock! (finally) part 1

    Thank you for your story! We're in the process of getting ready to sell our suburbian house. We hope to find some acreage around North or Central Texas.
  9. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Should I leave Pokey's First Egg for sisters to see?

    Thank y'all! We now have our first dozen, wirh a little help from our Easter Egger laying some light sage eggs. Two more hens to start laying!
  10. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Should I leave Pokey's First Egg for sisters to see?

    Pokey (19w 4d) hatched April 14, and laid her first egg today after spending all day in the nesting box as far as I could tell. Question: should I leave it in the nest for her 3 sisters to see where to lay? I've added a couple ceramic eggs to the nest box. Pokey's egg is the same brown color...
  11. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Hello! Shiny Happy Yard Birds in Texas!

    this is my little flock in their run
  12. Sh1nyH4ppy

    Hello! Shiny Happy Yard Birds in Texas!

    Hello! Introducing myself: I just joined after several weeks of using this site to prepare for our new little flock of yard birds in the suburbs of Dallas, TX. My aunt had chickens, my stepmother grew up with chickens, my brother has chickens, and so do some of our best friends. This is our...
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