Recent content by Serrin

  1. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 6/16 - picture by bugglesmommy

    Despite critic's assessment that the world is not ready for two headed fowl, Poindexter continued his pursuits in genetic manipulations with stunning results!
  2. Serrin

    What do you gather eggs in?! Pics?

    Oh Lordy!! Everything from stuffing them in my pockets to using one of my socks out of sheer desperation one day! Mostly I use my pockets or a nice little plastic coated wire basket that I got at the dollar store. I like it as it never rusts after I wash it. After eight years of gathering eggs...
  3. Serrin


    Tim, prayers made for your wife. I hope they've caught it early enough. Tom, what wine? You provide the wine, I'll be happy to supply the vessel to contain ever briefly that may be!
  4. Serrin


    Still alive and kicking here too. Just been hopping like a frog on a hot plate. Started a wheel pottery class three weeks ago. Between that, taking care of chickens, getting the boat ready for spring fishing, getting the garden ready for planting, and sewing, it doesn't leave me a whole lot of...
  5. Serrin


    Yeah, I kind of thought so, but I just thought I'd make the offer. He's such a sweat-heart. He may not be up to snuff in the looks department, but to me, he more than makes up for it in the personality department.
  6. Serrin


    He'll be three years old in the first week of May, Tim. Want him?
  7. Serrin


    Tim, you could still have Milio if you wanted him. He is a big honkin' boy! Thighs like a turkeys! I'll be trimming his spurs tonight. Poor guy is starting to trip over the dang things. Just let me know if you want him. I'll even give him a bath before making the trip. How could you beat a deal...
  8. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 3/3/14 - Picture by dawneast

    You put your right wing in, you put your right wing out, you put your right wing in and you shake it all about! You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about! LEFT WING! You put your left wing in......
  9. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 3/3/14 - Picture by dawneast

    ......I'm just dancin' in the dark....Wait! Who turned on the lights? Turn 'em OFF!! Turn 'em OFF!! I only dance in the dark, dagnabbit!
  10. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/17/14 - Picture by tinkitten

    Oh wow! I take a couple of days away from the computer and look what happens! WOOT! I won! I can hardly believe it. I NEVER win anything!! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for my caption. I can hardly wait to see who will win the next one. Thanks also to BYC for hosting these contests...
  11. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/17/14 - Picture by tinkitten

    Upon seeing the small yellow two legged things, Bob began to think that maybe he was adopted.
  12. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/17/14 - Picture by tinkitten

    Quote: I will love them, and feed them, and hug them, and I will name them George!
  13. Serrin


    Sorry Tim, but I lost my Ellie girl last week and so I'm down to just one Del girl and she's not really laying much at this time. Besides, she hasn't been with Milio since they were youngsters, so I'm of no help there. :( Hope you can find some good quality girls in the near future. If you're...
  14. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/3/2014 - Picture by bantambury

    "I don't normally eat tomatoes, but when I do, they're BEEFSTEAK! Stay hungry my friends!"
  15. Serrin

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/3/2014 - Picture by bantambury

    OK. Just what part of bite sized aren't you understanding here?
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