Recent content by scott in ohio

  1. scott in ohio

    hatching with hen or incubator?

    Julie is right. I have an excellent Wyandotte that is extremely broody, very clumsy though. Incubation is sure fire way of live hatches though (barring power interruption). Isolation is also extremely important. Mature birds will peck them to death without supervision.
  2. scott in ohio

    Incubator temperature?

    Fluctuation is fine as long as not that extreme. Remember, you are imitating Momma, and she can't get it perfect every time.
  3. scott in ohio

    Chicks without a roaster?

    Too right you are Glen. If you add a rooster, alot of the eggs will be fertile and will probably have a small blood spolt in the yolk. Not many people like that look in their eggs. If you gather fertile eggs and put in the refrigerator everyday, they won't get the bloot spot.
  4. scott in ohio

    20 week old pullets seem small. HELP!

    Like everyone said, starter feed is finely crumbled mash with 25% protein. Get a laying mash for your birds if they are layers. Laying mash has about 16% protein, 3% fat, 6% fiber, 4% calcium, Mathionine, Lysine and Vitamins A and D Make sure the Lysine is over0.6%
  5. scott in ohio

    Feedback on first-time, homemade coop pretty please?

    Well done mate. Bit of Beverly Hills eh? Does that thing collect the eggs, feed, and water also? You'll probably even clean that once a week. Chickens like bugs, worms, scratch, a place to sit and water. Simple as that. We all appreciate a fantastic coop, but they don't. First thing they'll do...
  6. scott in ohio

    Sussex? Game? Pullet?

    Forgot to note: all hens with high yellow-orange legs are usually dark brown, early, large volume medium to large eggers
  7. scott in ohio

    Sussex? Game? Pullet?

    Looks like you might have a mute. Combination of mutation and mutt. These birds are usually the best of all worlds unless you get a flighty one. They normally are sterile if they are cocks, fantastic if they are hens and almost always give you the same girls. Watch and see if she takes all the...
  8. scott in ohio

    OMG! I think I got it! I have a hatching baby!--PICS-*MORE HATCHING*

    Do not help. Chick won't live if you help. They will hatch in almost exactly 21 days
  9. scott in ohio

    Black Copper marans Chick 1 wk old.

    The chick with runny butt needs water. If this is the first time, you'll either have to use an eye dropper or something similair. They will also drink if you dip their little beak into warm water. Make sure you tip them back up after dipping beak and you will see them gurgle the water down. If...
  10. scott in ohio

    Runny poo

    Totally natural. Bugs, grubbing and when they drink off the grass causes tar like droppings. A little laying mash or oatmeal will stiffen it up. They will eat ANYTHING. Their plumbing is made to digest just about all of it. They will get dehydrated and you will notice beaks open. Oddly enough...
  11. scott in ohio

    Question with humidity

    You only need two 1/2" holes per 2'x2' incubator. Be careful with the humidity too high. I used to keep the level at over 50% saturation until I started getting curled toes and splayed legs. I've let it dry out completely for a couple days at a time and have never had a deformity yet. Sponges...
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