Recent content by Schroeder

  1. Schroeder

    Color change when frozen

    I had 8 week old cornish x processed by an Amish place, shrink wrapped whole. I let them season in the refrigerator for 36 hours before placing them in the freezer. Once frozen I noticed they all had turned a bit red in color. Oddly, the same thing did not happen to a few I put in a...
  2. Floor Plan

    Floor Plan

    Floor Plan
  3. February 011

    February 011

  4. April 2013 035

    April 2013 035

    View from east
  5. Schroeder


    I fill a very few orders each spring for day-old Ameraucanas. I have left over 6 large fowl wheatens and 3 large fowl blacks. These are not easter eggers, but real Ameraucanas from parent stock I have exhibited. I'm posting it here instead of the Buy and Sell because they would have to be...
  6. Schroeder

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    I modified plans I got from this website: Unfortunately, I did not create a new set of plans.
  7. Schroeder

    My Experience with Cornish X

    I'm at week 3 of my first experience with Cornish X. Something has come up, and I have to be away from home for a week beginning 4 days after the birds will turn 6 weeks old. It won't be convenient to have someone take care of them for the week I am gone, so I am planning to butcher at 6...
  8. Schroeder

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Here is a link to the Breeders Directory on the Ameraucana Alliance's website:
  9. Schroeder

    Chicken house with concrete floor

    I would recommend against using sand inside. As you mention, eventually you will have to replace it and that would be quite a chore. I think you would be more likely to have dampness/odor issues with it too. The sand is perfect for outside in the run, but not inside. I have concrete floor...
  10. Schroeder

    Health Benefits of Quail eggs

    My wife never ate them again and I have since quit raising quail. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. Schroeder

    coop size for 6 chickens

    Most of us build our first coop too small and regret it soon thereafter, so make the coop as large as possible. Standard plywood is 4ftx8ft, and standard lumber is 8 ft long. You could use 1 sheet of plywood as your floor and then you'll technically have enough room for 8 chickens, but I'd...
  12. Schroeder

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    I built mine so that the oil drip pan's would slide in underneath. I believe the depth was about 2 feet.
  13. Schroeder

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    Actually, I only raised quail for about a year and then sold my housing unit. I never had a problem that I know of, but there is no reason why they need to have so much head room.
  14. Schroeder

    Show me your quail pens!!!

    Here is a link to more details about my quail housing. Mine is a slight modification of that shown on this website
  15. Schroeder

    Predator proofing questions- help please!!

    For washers, drill holes in pennies or nickels. Either way is cheaper than store bought galvanized washers. Another option for the soffits is to buy vinyl soffit from any of the big box hardware stores. It installs easily and the kind I bought has pin holes (ventilation holes) all along the...
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