Recent content by sarahconnor

  1. S

    Sick hen

    Thank you for your very thoughtful reply. When I turned her over, I had her cradled in my arm like an infant, and she was very comfortable with that. My birds trust me tremendously and I’m close with all of them. I didn’t palpate her for abdominal fluid. She didn’t look too bloated, but I can...
  2. S

    Sick hen

    I have a hen who is limping. I turned her over and she has a cauliflower looking area in her vent. It’s red. She is also breathing labored. Any clues? Those are the best pics I could take as I’m alone this am to take the picture. She sits a lot also hides a bit in the run. It looks like a tiny...
  3. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    Everyone. Thanks so much for your concern. Really appreciate it. I’ll post after they come to me on 3/17.
  4. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    Miss Jen they are doing great this am. Eating and drinking in a warm pen and breathing appears normal. Thanks for responding.
  5. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    Trying to make sure to get back to everyone. She looks good this am. Eating and drinking in an indoor pen with a heat lamp. They will bring them 3/17 and they promised no more dawn or baths.
  6. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    @Miss Lydia they are perfect this am. They promised no more baths. They’re bringing them 3/17. Thanks for everything.
  7. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    M Thanks for the warm response. Daisy is perfect this am they are eating and drinking strongly. Her breathing is no longer labored. I really discouraged them from getting ducks and told them to consider getting peeps like they’ve done in the past they’ve gotten eggs and kept the peeps for a...
  8. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    I checked in first thing and they are perfect. Daisy is breathing perfectly. Eating and drinking on their own in a warm pen indoors. Yes, 6 weeks is random….not sure why they picked that date. My friend said absolutely no more bubble baths and promised me they wouldn’t even let them swim. I...
  9. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    Ok finally found your full reply. I had to keep refreshing the page. So this is the story. My former boss knows I have a goose, two ducks that I rescued from an abusive situation(they are doing great except some leg weakness which has improved greatly) and 12 chickens. He said his youngest son...
  10. S


    How are they doing now. Just saw this!
  11. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    She seems pretty stable. Just a slight wheezing that I can barely hear. From the video. I’m checking in with them first thing in the morning.
  12. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    I did see your thoughtful reply. Thanks, I told them absolutely no more baths. They promised they wouldn’t. Beside this slip up they have done a nice job.
  13. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    If she aspirated it I don’t think she will make it.
  14. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    Oh that’s terrible
  15. S

    Duckling wheezing.

    Why now? They won’t do it any more. Thanks
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