Recent content by SapphireMum

  1. SapphireMum

    Advice on adding rooster?

    I'm looking to add a rooster to our flock, purpose mainly to hatch chicks every so often. We got a few straight run chicks which turned out to be all females, plus another 3 that we bought as females. So we have 9 females and would like to add 1 rooster. The hens are 16 weeks (6 of them) and 13...
  2. SapphireMum

    What gender? Is there even 1 rooster? :)

    Thanks for everyone's input! Guess we have to look for a rooster now :)
  3. SapphireMum

    What gender? Is there even 1 rooster? :)

    Anyone know about these 3 younger chickens? I added the pics above. Thanks :)
  4. SapphireMum

    What is this thing? (11 week old cochin)

    She looks like my partridge cochin, also 11 weeks old. They are so pretty, aren't they? Mine also stands tall, a bit above the others same age.
  5. SapphireMum

    What gender? Is there even 1 rooster? :)

    Thank you both for your helpful responses! We were thinking they are all pullets. I will add pics of the 3 younger chickens (8 weeks old). Those were all purchased as day old females, but we'll see! EDIT: Here are the photos of those 3. The pic titles say which breed. If more than one, the...
  6. SapphireMum

    What gender? Is there even 1 rooster? :)

    Hi, we are first time chicken owners. We were finally able to get chickens after years of thinking & planning (but life had other plans). Our city (in the Dallas area) allows 24 hens and 1 rooster (great, eh??). We'd like to keep maybe 8-10 hens and we do want that one rooster. Now we are...
  7. SapphireMum

    Baby chick won’t eat and lethargic

    It sounds like it may be Omphalitis (yolk sac infection, aka mushy chick disease) sobmaybe look into that, incl YouTube. We bought some chicks from a local feed store in May and one became lethargic & looked swollen. Did some research & found that's not an uncommon condition, and chicks can die...
  8. SapphireMum

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    I am impressed with the 25 year warranty, showing your company is confident in the product. (However, I'd want to read the fine print of the warranty.)
  9. SapphireMum

    Hi, from western NY

    Hi everyone. I saw this site a couple years ago, and found it again recently now that we are talking about raising hens. I'm here to do research and see if it would be feasible for us, given that we go out of town periodically. If we can manage it, we'd love for our (homeschooled) kids to...
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