Recent content by Sammie1441

  1. Sammie1441

    tilt turner electrical diagrams and ideas

    Now it's easy to find one set of timer and manual for actuator.
  2. Sammie1441

    Incubators Anonymous

    A very late joined of me. I cannot affort the price of incubator, so I made myself 200 eggs and just finish 1000 eggs capacity of incubator.
  3. Sammie1441

    Incubator Help

    I don't really follow the rules of lock down. In my 200 eggs incubator, I don't have hygrometer/hygrostat, and eggs are not the same date, I just put the 18 days old on the plastic bucked from grape fruit basket on the floor of incubator. I swap slowly with tissue paper damped with warm water on...
  4. Sammie1441

    1000 eggs Incubator

    These two new born are the number 50 eggs hatch from other incubator (cap. 200 eggs). They don't hatch simultaneously coz I still have to manage the fertile eggs and I need more hens. I will use Artificial Insemination to select the good offspring (cockerel = Pelung, hens= red egg layer).
  5. Sammie1441

    How to post and upload photos?

    Yipiiiieeeee.... Finally I uploaded an article in Incubator category. It's not something new, but compare with the system Members made an incubator, it's not easy to get the components in Indonesia. I tried also to make it much more simple with full automatic design but applicable and...
  6. Sammie1441

    1000 eggs Incubator

    Hello All, This is my first time to upload an Article, I just hope I post in the right place. I made this 1000 eggs Incubator, if someone interested, I would be happy to explain details. In this model, I am using mist maker (24Vdc) , an outdoor of old AC (with speed reducer/dimer), and exhaust...
  7. Sammie1441

    How to post and upload photos?

    I am from Indonesia, maybe OP, O stand for Overseas? I also had a chance to take a course on chicken in Research and Development Agency (Indonesian Government, West Java) and I am now loving more the original/endemic chicken / fowl of Indonesian.
  8. Sammie1441

    How to post and upload photos?

    Thank you.... I was busy making 200 eggs incubator then continue with 1000 eggs Incubator. Also now I am making two units of 200 eggs capacity that I will give to Survivors of Lombok Earthquake last year. (to the East of Bali Island). I have quite few of baby chick, and gave some of them to...
  9. Sammie1441

    How to post and upload photos?

    Thank you very much.... I love the members here, very helpful and I also am love BYC. I screen shot the answer so I won't forget how to do it. Again, thank you very much.
  10. Sammie1441

    How to post and upload photos?

    Hello All, Where can I read the prosedure and mechanism to write an Article, and how much the file size (photo) allowed . I want to write an article about Egg Incubator. Thank you.
  11. Sammie1441

    ♡Swans for Sale♡ White Mutes, Australian Blacks, Trumpeters, and Whoopers-WE DELIVER

    Is it possible for me to buy fertile eggs shipped to Jakarta, Indonesia? Thank you.
  12. Sammie1441

    Hello from Indonesia.

    Hahaha.... Next time in Jakarta, the Capital City, you should visit Pasar Burung Pramuka (all kinds of Avians (birds, chicken, Ducks, Turkey et-cet-eras).
  13. Sammie1441

    Hello from Indonesia.

    Thank you. Yes, as a newcomer I would surely explore BYC, very wide but very-very well manage. My salutation for Admins, Senior Members and all Members here.
  14. Sammie1441

    Hello from Indonesia.

    Like a wearing eyeshadow while riding a Harley Davidson.
  15. Sammie1441

    The good thing being a volunteer is that I found myself as a Volunteer night and day.

    The good thing being a volunteer is that I found myself as a Volunteer night and day.
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