Recent content by sammi_lynn12

  1. sammi_lynn12

    Heat plate & coop

    Yes, the cord we have is an outdoor construction extension cord. Very heavy so I think we will be okay! I may not need it though. Everything went as planned last night, my broody mama accepted the chicks I gave her. It was so heartwarming to see honestly. She immediately tucked them underneath...
  2. sammi_lynn12

    Heat plate & coop

    Do you guys feel safe putting a heat plate within the coop with grown chickens while brooding baby chicks? I would have to run an extension cord to the plate and currently just have mats down, no saw dust. Last thing I want is a fire. That is why I refuse to put a heat lamp in the coop with...
  3. sammi_lynn12

    Broody hen

    I may give it shot this weekend if she is still broody. I just hate the thought of throwing a full grown hen in a smaller space for a few weeks until they are older if she does accept them. She is my fav hen, of course a buff orpington, and she is relentless on having babies 😂
  4. sammi_lynn12

    Broody hen

    I have a hen who has been broody for going on four weeks now. I take her out to the food and water morning, afternoon, and evening time to make sure she is eating and drinking which she is but she will not give it a rest. Lol My boyfriend nonchalantly made the comment yesterday that "we should...
  5. sammi_lynn12

    Heat Illness or Respiratory?

    I had one a few weeks ago get some sort of respiratory issue. I added Nutri-Drench and Vet RX to her water and within two days the swelling in her face and wattles went down. She is totally fine and back to normal now.
  6. sammi_lynn12

    Adding more chickens?

    This is a great idea! I didn't even think of adding hiding spots and things like that. Looking into covering at least one pen in the winter will definitely help as well. I just prefer quality of life over how many I can fit in one space.
  7. sammi_lynn12

    Adding more chickens?

    So my boyfriend made the comment that we need more chickens last night. Believe me, I was shocked too! 😂 We currently have 9 hens and an 8x8 coop. They free range basically all the time plus they have two 14x12 runs so I am not worried about them having enough outside room but I am worried about...
  8. sammi_lynn12

    Swollen wattles

    No new birds. I posted on fb as well and someone said it looks like an upper respiratory infection starting. I stopped at TSC and got some VetRX. I added it to their water yesterday as well as some probiotics/electrolytes and the swelling looked like it went down a little bit this morning! I...
  9. sammi_lynn12

    Swollen wattles

    They aren’t huge, but her ears and wattles seem to just be slightly swollen. Wattles are just a tag thicker than usual. Warm to touchZ
  10. sammi_lynn12

    Swollen wattles

    One of my hens wattles looks slightly swollen compared to the others. They aren’t huge but just look thicker than usual. What would cause this? What should I do?
  11. sammi_lynn12

    Feeding Regimen

    Thank you!
  12. sammi_lynn12

    Feeding Regimen

    The only reason I was worried is because someone said that fat could have been the issue, so I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing them an injustice.
  13. sammi_lynn12

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Equine Show Ring

    This is Raven, she is a registered American Quarter Horse. I have owned her for six years and bought her as a 4 year old with only four rides on her. She is a 2D barrel horse now, trail horse, kids horse, whatever I need her for. She is my go to for everything. She is 16.2 hands and every bit of...
  14. sammi_lynn12

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Equine Show Ring

    This is Lucy, she was a registered POA and my first pony that I had to put down in April of this year. She was 27 years old and I owned her for 20 years. She taught me everything I know today and I couldn't be more grateful to have had her in my life for as long as I did. I miss her everyday but...
  15. sammi_lynn12

    Feeding Regimen

    That is the one that I considered a scratch feed. The other is just Kalmbach organic layer hen crumbles which they have been on since they started laying that a majority of people use. I just added the feed in the picture above to give them another option recently.
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