Recent content by Sambowling

  1. Sambowling

    Advice needed regarding sick Cayuga Duck

    She seems a lot better, she is mobilising better and seems happier. We will make sure she keeps on the nutritional yeast xx
  2. Sambowling

    Advice needed regarding sick Cayuga Duck

    Thank you, vitamin b ordered! I don't think she or her sister are laying right now, only the 2 Cherry Valley girls are x
  3. Sambowling

    Advice needed regarding sick Cayuga Duck

    Dear all I have a 2 year old Cayuga duck who for the last week has not been able to mobilise properly. One of her legs is not weight bearing and is back like in a swimming position. She seems okay in herself and is still eating and drinking and quacking away normally. We have been giving...
  4. Sambowling

    What on earth laid this huge egg!

    Ah this explains it all, they have just started laying again. Sorry for the loss of your babies 😔
  5. Sambowling

    Duck egg colors

    My cayuga eggs are light greenish, the middle egg in this picture.
  6. Sambowling

    What on earth laid this huge egg!

    The first egg is a bantam egg, the second is a duck egg and the third we don't know! What causes them to lay a double yolker?
  7. Sambowling

    What on earth laid this huge egg!

    Hi all, not been on here a while, but have a question about an egg! We have recently moved from the outskirts of a city to the country. We now have a huge garden with the top end being woodland. Our chickens, a cockerel, 3 bantam girls and a cuckoo maran hen and our 3 ducks, Honey the drake...
  8. Sambowling

    Honey the supermarket duckling

    More of zoya x you can see Honey in the background!
  9. Sambowling

    Urgent! What breed is this duck???

    One of ours didn't make it, I think ge struggled to get out of the shell, so just keep an eye on them at the latter stages.
  10. Sambowling

    Urgent! What breed is this duck???

    I still don't know what Honey is, but he's huge and weighs a ton lol. I see Clarence court do cornish blue duck eggs. Might give them a go when I get a broody hen 😏
  11. Sambowling

    Urgent! What breed is this duck???

    Look at my thread called Honey the Supermarket duckling. He was a Braddock while from Waitrose 😀
  12. Sambowling

    Honey the supermarket duckling

    Ohh yuk 🤪
  13. Sambowling

    Honey the supermarket duckling

    Yes pet stores sell them
  14. Sambowling

    Honey the supermarket duckling

    No mice and rats x Dead ones 😛🤢
  15. Sambowling

    Honey the supermarket duckling

    These are all I have at the moment will take more tomorrow
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