Recent content by SakeRiot

  1. SakeRiot

    Advice Please - 8 Wk Old Chick Crop Enlarged

    He does have access, and has been getting, chick grit. All the other chickens always have access to grit (and they're always outside ranging). The first pic you can see the crop hanging. Second is me holding the crop. I've read your tutorial. It's the one we followed! Thank you.
  2. SakeRiot

    Advice Please - 8 Wk Old Chick Crop Enlarged

    I haven't really seen any posts concerning this. I have a 8 week old Buff Brahma. Two weeks ago, we noticed his crop was really enlarged. Enlarged enough to where it was crossing over to the left side. We immediately took him inside, isolated in a brooder with pine shavings (same as our coop)...
  3. SakeRiot

    Minnesota Cities Chicken Ordinances and Rules

    Looks like it's currently not allowed but a petition is in the works.
  4. SakeRiot

    Hi Everyone!

    Hey BYC! I've been a lurker for a while and finally joined. SO and I bought a 5 acre house a little under a year ago. We went back and forth about getting chickens and well, we did! We're currently T-4 days til hatch day. We started off with 12 Australorp eggs. Decided on them because they're...
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