Recent content by sahmoffour

  1. sahmoffour

    Found some 100% English LF Chocolate Orpingtons, have questions

    I've found a local breeder that has 100% English Large Fowl Chocolate Orpingtons for sale, I've been debating getting into breeding, and have had my heart set on Choc Orpingtons, the opportunity has just come up a little earlier than I thought it would so now I'm scrambling! On her website...
  2. sahmoffour

    Ducks made a nest

    I'm new to ducks, and have had a trio of Rouens for a couple weeks now. We moved them into a new pen with a deep layer of shavings. The next morning I went out and they had made a large deep nest, and they've been laying in that nest everyday since. I didn't think anything of it, and have...
  3. sahmoffour

    Alfalfa/Grass mix hay okay for rabbits?

    Hay is super scarce around here right now and I can only find alfalfa/timothy blend hay for the rabbits. 50/50 mix but she said she does have some lower ratio alfalfa hay as well. I have 3 NZ does, 1 NZ buck, and a pair of standard rex's. The rex doe is currently pregnant. All are between 8...
  4. sahmoffour

    Last 2 eggs haven't hatched, wait longer or give up?

    This is my first time incubating. I had pips starting on day 19, most hatched on day 20/21. The last one to hatch was sometime Saturday night after I had gone to bed. We had no activity on the remaining 10 eggs yesterday (I had 23 hatched), so last night I candled using the light on my cell...
  5. sahmoffour

    Chick pipped 30+ hours ago

    Thanks for your help you guys. :) I did get him out, and left the bottom 1/3 of the shell and he managed to push himself out, but he was a bit deformed. So I ended up having to put him out of his misery. :( Thanks for the replies though, now I know for next time!
  6. sahmoffour

    Chick pipped 30+ hours ago

    Okay, so last night I unzipped for the little guy, leaving the membrane intact, hoping that he would make be able to push himself the rest of the way out on his own by this morning. He was still in the same position as I left him last night, but still alive, so I just finished taking the top...
  7. sahmoffour

    Chick pipped 30+ hours ago

    The little guy still isn't out… coming up on a minimum of 36 hours now, possibly as many as 42 depending on when in the night he hatched. :( I have 14 other pips now though, so I'm scared to open the lid to try to help him! He's still alive but definitely seems to be moving less and less.
  8. sahmoffour

    Chick pipped 30+ hours ago

    This is my first hatch, I have 34 eggs in a Hovabator 1588. Today is day 20. My first chick pipped a fairly large (maybe dime sized?) hole that I noticed yesterday morning when I first woke up. So it pipped at least 30 hours ago, possibly up to 36 hours depending on when it pipped during the...
  9. sahmoffour

    Please give your opinions on feeding my new chickens

    I'm sure you guys are right, 35% sounds high even to me but they just have it written on their feed board as layer mash. So I'll just switch them to the layer ration slowly over the next week. The breeder had just said that since they're heritage breeds they do better on the feed she was...
  10. sahmoffour

    Please give your opinions on feeding my new chickens

    We just came back from a poultry show and I'm the proud new owner of 2 buff orpingtons, and a breeding pair of Ameracaunas (All 5 months old). We bought two bags of the feed she's been giving them, which is even ratios of 22% turkey grower, hen scratch and cracked barley. I was looking at our...
  11. sahmoffour

    Coop space requirements for Meat Turkeys??

    I've searched everywhere but can't find an actual number. We're getting 10 Broad Breasted Whites to raise for meat so will only be around here until 4-5 months old through the summer. How many sq ft of coop space do they need? They'll have an outdoor attached run, most likely about 500 square...
  12. sahmoffour

    How noisy are roosters before they get to butchering age?

    A bit of back story; We just moved to an acreage (4.5 acres) in a subdivision. We are allowed animals here, but technically only 5 total. We will be well over that number, but out place is very treed and private. Lots of our neighbors don't follow the laws/covenants either, it's generally...
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