Recent content by s6bee

  1. s6bee

    It's Official!!!

    Congratulations! My town will never let chickens in. Mine were removed back in October this year and I miss them terribly. I was fortunate to have a friend take them and add them to her flock of silkies and they are all having a wonderful time and I still get my eggs, but I really miss...
  2. s6bee

    serious coop issues (Pictures are up page 2)

    Do you know of anyone that will help you transfer them temporarily to and more secure location?
  3. s6bee

    Egg Sexing

    Quote: Depending on the breed, there is a way to sex day old chicks doing a wing feather test. It's been so long since I did this I would do a google search and see. But I think that if you spread the wing out, a female would have a second row of longer feathers and the roo would have...
  4. s6bee

    3 Stinking HOT Mid spring days, no eggs?

    It could stress them out a bit. Make sure they have shade, to get out of the sun, lots of water and maybe some electrolytes in it too.
  5. s6bee

    Would the neighbor have caused this? Weird acting hens

    Have your chickens been laying eggs yet?
  6. s6bee

    32 Degrees and the girls wanted OUT...

    Oh let'em out...
  7. s6bee

    2 Mille Fleurs Bantam roos - 2 Splash -1 white Silkie roosters in WNY

    2 Mille Fleurs Duccle Bantam Roosters - 2 Splash -1 white Silkie Roosters located in Upstate, Western NY near Rochester. Please PM if interested. Too many Roosters!!!
  8. s6bee

    re: chick with pus filled eyes

    Well, some antibiotics may help if you can get them down her. Will she eat any treat like food? Yogurt? Maybe you can sneak antibiotics in that. You have to be careful not to suffocate her while giving water via dropper but it sounds like you know how to do it. Keep us posed.
  9. s6bee

    what's this new noise

    I had one hen that made a ton of noise when another hen was in her "box". It went on for about 20 min, then she was quite.
  10. s6bee

    chickens dying one by one

    I was thinking antibiotics as well for everyone! Have you been able to handle the chickens at all? Can you tell if they have mites? Do you worm them? These are also things you may want to consider, but do one type of treatment at a time.
  11. s6bee

    How do you get standard cochins to lay?

    At this point I would try supplemental light. Give them 14 hrs. if possible. We started a light at 3 a.m. and shut it off by 8 a.m. when the sun was stronger and then let the sunset put them to bed. 2 wks. later my 25 wk. old hens finally started laying. I thought it was never going to...
  12. s6bee

    I think my chicken is getting sick

    Is she still making the noise? She may have something caught in her throught. Can you check her out and see?
  13. s6bee

    Polish hen with an eye problem?

    She may have just been pecked in the eye. Keep watch and see how she's treated in the pen.
  14. s6bee

    Red spots on feet?

    I'm not really sure what it might be. What have the weather conditions been like? Do you think they have mites?
  15. s6bee

    best way to cull a young chick - please help - never had to do it!!!

    Oh boy, so sorry about this. I can't give you any advice at this time. Just reading the options makes me sad...
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