Recent content by Rpatton924

  1. R

    Need to rehome 20 week Rhode Island Red Cockerel SE Michigan

    Hello, I need to rehome a 20 week cockerel….hes a Rhode Island Red. We already have 2 roosters and not enough hens for the 3. He’s already pretty aggressive. Located in Southeast Michigan!
  2. R

    What breed is this rooster?!

    I would say so! It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but he’s a big boy 😁
  3. R

    What breed is this rooster?!

    Can anyone tell me what breed this sweet boy is? He was given to us and is the absolute sweetest rooster ever!
  4. R

    New chicken mom here…rooster or hen? 10-12 weeks old!

    You all were right! He’s definitely crowing now!
  5. R

    New chicken mom here…rooster or hen? 10-12 weeks old!

    Thank you! I have to agree but I always get told it’s too soon to tell? Is it normal that he isn’t crowing yet?
  6. R

    New chicken mom here…rooster or hen? 10-12 weeks old!

    Rooster or Hen? First time chicken mama here! Everyone is saying it’s too soon to tell but I’m really thinking it’s a rooster! About 10-12 weeks old…still not crowing?!
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