Recent content by RooRoo523

  1. RooRoo523

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    All 12 of mine are Barred Rocks, :thumbsup I have 11 hens and a rooster. I think I am going to keep it that way, no need trying to learn how to pronounce another name like "Favor roll" or whatever it is, :lol: Seriously though, there are some very beautiful breeds with fancy names. If I had one...
  2. RooRoo523

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

    My husband takes care of the coop and the covered run :celebrate. He had a quadruple heart bypass in 2019 so he always wears gloves and a mask while cleaning the coop. Not sure if you would call it deep litter method or not. Once a month he scrapes off and takes out the top layer of pine...
  3. RooRoo523

    Vitamin D3 supplement for 8 week old lame chick, help!

    I do not have any pictures today, I will try and get some posted tomorrow. She is 8 weeks old today. She has been inside in a very large brooder in my basement with the rest of the flock, there is one rooster and 11 other girls. I suspected a Vitamin D deficiency since no real true sunlight...
  4. RooRoo523

    Vitamin D3 supplement for 8 week old lame chick, help!

    I am new to chickens and I have a chicken that is sitting on its tail with feet propped out front. I suspect a vitamin D deficiency. I also have done some reading on Marek's. I want to start with vitamins. I want to feed her a hard boiled egg yolk with 1/2 crushed tablet of B complex, 1 400 IU...
  5. RooRoo523

    Building run in garden area that had d-CON bait station

    Ok, I have removed the compost and the compost bin, took out the sides of the metal bed. Pulled up all of the landscape fabric and staples. Picked all of the ripe strawberries for my chickens. Left a crepe myrtle bush inside the half that will be their run to provide some shade. I have built the...
  6. RooRoo523

    Building run in garden area that had d-CON bait station

    Hey y'all! I am currently wanting to build a run in a garden area. My chickens are 7 weeks old. I have two questions: I have a raised metal garden bed (4x8) full of strawberry plants and a three sided pallet compost bin in this area. I noticed rats hanging around the compost bin so I put out a...
  7. RooRoo523

    Review by 'RooRoo523' in article 'Aart's Hoop Coop / Chicken Tractor'

    Thanks for sharing! I am new to chickens. I am wanting to build a permanent hoop coop from cattle panels and this has given me lots of ideas and inspiration that it can be done. I really like the door and that you covered with hardware cloth.
  8. RooRoo523

    New to chickens

    Hello and welcome! I am new here as well and have found so many answers when I was just lurking. I have a flock of 13 Barred Rocks. Mine are six weeks old as well. They should have already been outside but the heat, thunderstorms, and now fireworks are just too much for me to subject them to...
  9. RooRoo523

    New Member from East Tennessee

    Oh, I definitely believe she was!
  10. RooRoo523

    Tractor supply bought possible Roos??

    I am new here but wanted to chime in since I was given 28 straight run Barred Rocks who were one day old. I think they are considered to be one of the easiest to sex. Both have white on their head. The spot on a male will go more down the neck, on a female the spot is usually smaller and more on...
  11. RooRoo523

    New Member from East Tennessee

    Thank you! I have lots of questions, so far I have found most of the answers on this site, love BYC!
  12. RooRoo523

    New Member from East Tennessee

    Thank you for the welcome, I had to laugh at the When I was around 9 or 10 yrs. old we had a flock of free range chickens. My Mom said the smallest one who happened to be a black bantam would be mine. We named her Chicken Little. Well, she hated me and I grew to not like her either! Our house...
  13. RooRoo523

    Review by 'RooRoo523' in article 'Do Chickens Like to be Petted?'

    Great article! Most of my chickens enjoy being petted, my cockerel loves to have his "belly" rubbed and then I just slip my hand under him and pick him up. He will come to me and stand there and wait for the rub and then to be picked up.
  14. RooRoo523

    New Member from East Tennessee

    Hello y'all! I am new to BYC and wanted to introduce myself and my new flock. I am new to chickens and was given 28 straight run 1 day old chicks 6 weeks ago I have 12 pullets and 1 cockerel, sent all of the cockerels back except for my Roo Roo. 🥰 All are Barred Rocks. I am learning that the...
  15. RooRoo523

    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    I love that it has a 25-year warranty!
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