Recent content by roheryn

  1. roheryn

    Swollen eyes and face

    Feeling optimistic, she has had a clear eye for 2 days now, and the swelling is much less. Still checking twice daily, and using vitamins and probiotics in their water, but I think she is feeling much better. Thanks so much everyone for your advice!
  2. roheryn

    Swollen eyes and face

    We were able to get a large glob of infection out of her eye this morning, and now she has that eye open (it seems somewhat sunken) but both sides are less swollen and have a bit more color. I did notice some bubbles in both eyes… is that the respiratory infection? Keeping an eye on her and will...
  3. roheryn

    Swollen eyes and face

    we were able to soak the eyelid once more and get her eye open. There was some pus in her eye, which we tried to flush with saline solution, but were not able to remove it. We put some neosporin on her lower lid and put some Vicks around her ears and under her wings, hoping to maybe draw out the...
  4. roheryn

    Swollen eyes and face

    I’ve been looking at other “swollen eye” posts and many mention removing pus. I know birds have a semi-solid form of pus, and I’m not sure that’s what’s going on here, but should I try to gently press the swollen areas?
  5. roheryn

    Swollen eyes and face

    She is not sneezing and there are no bubbles or bad odors or any other discharges I would expect with sinus infection. I’ll go get some saline and Tylosin, and also try the warm compress with neosporin until I get those. Of course she is a carrier I’m sure for Mareks, but this doesn’t look like...
  6. roheryn

    Swollen eyes and face

    My EE (about 7 years old) has a swollen face, one eye swollen shut and a bit gummy. Both sides of her face seem pale and swollen, but no other issues. She does have a few mites (we dusted her and the coop with poultry dust) and we used warm water on a cotton ball to try to clear up the closed...
  7. roheryn

    How long can Mareks affect my older chickens?

    Can they live with chickens? Or are they immune? We have lots of California Quail that roam our open space, so I think they would be nice to have some little guys
  8. roheryn

    How long can Mareks affect my older chickens?

    Strangely, all my chicks were vaccinated, but somehow it still got in and destroyed my flock. I'm thinking of finding some Egyptian Fayoumi as it was mentioned they are more immune. My worry is bringing in new chicks (vaccinated) if they will just die like the others. We only have 2 hens now...
  9. roheryn

    Lethargic and a bit off balance hen

    We took her for euthanization and testing April 21 after she could no longer stand or even sit on her own without support. This was 10 days after I noticed the initial signs. The lab reported this: "Postmortem findings suggest that this chicken’s cause of death was a lymphoproliferative...
  10. roheryn

    How long can Mareks affect my older chickens?

    The lab reported this: "Postmortem findings suggest that this chicken’s cause of death was a lymphoproliferative disease, most likely Marek’s disease. The nature and severity of the gross lesion (brain, sciatic nerve, heart, liver) is sufficient to stand as the cause of illness/death of this...
  11. roheryn

    Marek's is taking over my flock and I'm not sure what to do

    If you are close to UC Davis, you can have them euthanize the bird in addition to testing, so you don’t have to do the deed yourself. It’s a sad drive, but I’m glad to not have to dispatch my pets. I did that once. Unfortunately, I’ve had to do the drive to Davis many times in the past year, we...
  12. roheryn

    How long can Mareks affect my older chickens?

    We had her euthanized and will have her tested. She was completely paralyzed, but didn’t have the scissor leg look. Just couldn’t use either leg, or even sit without assistance. We did vitamin supplements for 10 days as she continued to deteriorate. She was still alert and bright at the end, but...
  13. roheryn

    Lethargic and a bit off balance hen

    I found what looks like a mite on her comb. I checked her for mites and lice before bringing her in, so this is new. I don’t think that could be causing her decline, I would expect she would need to be covered to cause this much trouble and she isn’t. But in case this is an issue, could mites be...
  14. roheryn

    Lethargic and a bit off balance hen

    Sadly she is deteriorating quickly. She can no longer stand, just kind of hobbles along on her hocks, using her wings and today she started isolating from the others. That is a bit cue to me, unfortunately. I've brought her into the house and set up a comfy 'nest' with medicated water and...
  15. roheryn

    Lethargic and a bit off balance hen

    Thanks, I'll continue her vitamins, but may need to bring her in and give her a sling. I work from home so have the time to care for her, and my daughter is older now, and has grown up with the birds, learning a lot each time we have to deal with issues. So, unless she continues to deteriorate...
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