Recent content by rod5591

  1. rod5591

    Are there anyways to deter foxes?

    no actually I was wondering the best technique to shoot a fox. Since by the time I show up, the fox I know is always long gone. He hears me open the door and then quickly skedaddles!
  2. rod5591

    Are there anyways to deter foxes?

    Wondering how much time one has to invest in shooting a fox? Lie in wait for hours -and hope they appear? They are incredibly wary and will run as soon as they sense any person approaching. Seems a big live catch box trap would work best.
  3. rod5591

    What are these worms?

    I found these worms frozen on the ground outside my chicken’s shed in the bitter cold (5 degrees F today here in Tennessee). What are they, what harm do they do and how do I get rid of them? They are about 3 inches long.
  4. rod5591

    Review by 'rod5591' in article 'Jen's Hens'- A Southern Texas Coop'

    Looks like an excellent coop/run!
  5. rod5591

    Pullet or Cockerel? 16 weeks old

    Pullet or cockerel? 16 weeks old. Mixed breed. RIRed + EE
  6. rod5591

    Rooster Behavior

    What I do with my roos is, while they are still young, move right up to them, put your hands on your hips, lean forward, and move forward, getting into his space, and making him move away from you. You just have have to do this a few times, and he will then move away from you, and won't dare...
  7. rod5591

    American Flag Rooster??? Can someone explain???

    Supposedly the roo below is a Speckled Sussex and RIR jungle fowl mix. See link for more data
  8. rod5591

    8 week old chick collapsed

    yes there is shade but even then, the sun gets through in spots. Great idea about the water bottles, thank you.
  9. rod5591

    8 week old chick collapsed

    one of my chicks collapsed. It’s been very hot. The chick can not stand. Any ideas what might be wrong?. It eats and drinks a little but has to be hand fed.
  10. rod5591


    Early this morning our chickens began to alert to some kind of danger. My wife and I went out to check. We thought it was another hawk alert but everything seemed OK there. Then my wife looked into the chicken nest boxes and saw this four-foot long snake curled up in one of the nest boxes...
  11. rod5591

    Cockerel or pullet?

    Age is 12 weeks approximately. Male or female? #1 #2 #3 #4
  12. rod5591

    Why is nobody laying?!

    I have 30 laying hens, and get between 16-22 eggs per day.
  13. rod5591

    will a hen with Marek's disease continue to lay eggs?

    Sorry to say that the hen passed away May 1. :(
  14. rod5591

    A single chicken represents how many days of survival food?

    Here is a hypothetical survival question: A single chicken represents how many days of food for an adult human? I know there are many variables like size/weight of the bird and the number of people eating it, but based on my personal observations, a single chicken will feed a single adult...
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