Recent content by RobG7aChattTN

  1. RobG7aChattTN

    Chickens ate roundup treated grass

    So what happened? Someone over on Facebook had this happen and everyone is telling the poster that their hens will all die (which I don’t believe).
  2. RobG7aChattTN

    Creating new chicken breeds

    I’ve gotten pretty far but I think I still have a ways to go. It’s been about 7-8 years and I’ve gone through thousands of birds but I’ve made progress. I’m trying to make a breed that looks like a Black Bekisar except cold hardy, fertile and calm/domeatic. I’m trying to get long tails on them...
  3. RobG7aChattTN

    satstumadori project

    This bird is part of a breeding project that I have going right now. I’m not actually trying to make Satsumadori…I just want a small molar body and tail for my project birds.
  4. RobG7aChattTN

    satstumadori project

    There are pure Satsumadori in the US now. Not cheap but cheaper than importing them or making them from scratch.
  5. RobG7aChattTN

    Parrot Beak Aseel (PBA)

    From what I recall importing from countries where it is legal (some European countries and some in Aouth America) will cost at least $1,000 per egg or $10,000 for a few birds (like a trio). When you import eggs the transportation will reduce the percentage of eggs that hatch. You are paying for...
  6. RobG7aChattTN

    Iridescent feathers

    Update on my pullet from last year that I’ll breed this year:
  7. RobG7aChattTN

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    The thing is…disease really comes from agriculture/domestication/humans living in societies. Sure…there are natural wild diseases but generally those are either mild or they burn out quickly. Generally the diseases that we have in humans and livestock comes from people and domestic animals...
  8. RobG7aChattTN

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    A few years back we had a VERY warm winter all the way into December. Then a cold spell hit and it was like throwing a switch from summer to winter and I lost all my pure Grey and Ceylon Jungle Fowl and most of my high percentage crosses. They had all survived much colder temperatures in the...
  9. RobG7aChattTN

    It's time for Nicalandia to create his own breed of Chickens

    Do you see the white in the middle here? And her face is mulberry…incomplete fibro.
  10. RobG7aChattTN

    It's time for Nicalandia to create his own breed of Chickens

    Right. And f he had fibro he’d look like your example…a little spot of blue. Do you have an example of dark blue on red? Not light…like blue/white? Because that’s what I’m saying. Blue is fibro on white. No white it’s just black/red. If it looks blue it’s on white. Can you show me a bird with a...
  11. RobG7aChattTN

    It's time for Nicalandia to create his own breed of Chickens

    Like this guy has a little bit of white on his earlobe:
  12. RobG7aChattTN

    It's time for Nicalandia to create his own breed of Chickens

    I think when you see they it’s still a white earlobe…just not a good one. You’ll see white earlobes like that without the blue sometimes…just a little white.
  13. RobG7aChattTN

    It's time for Nicalandia to create his own breed of Chickens

    White earlobes plus fibromelanism. Either just heterozygous for fibro or just weaker fibro like with silkies.
  14. RobG7aChattTN

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I like that tail! That’s one of the downsides of the pure Asian Games is even if they have a bit of tail the angle ruins it. Somewhere on-line there’s a picture of a bird with just the most spectacular tail I’ve ever seen on a chicken. Matter-of-fact…it’s on my library somewhere stolen off of...
  15. RobG7aChattTN

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    Not likely pure Red Jungle Fowl. Most of the birds sold as pure Reds are crosses. The only pure strain are the Richardson Strain and only the lines that were very meticulously maintained. A lot of people have “San Diego Zoo Strain” and they were abandoned by the zoo because too many people kept...
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