Recent content by RJKnott

  1. RJKnott

    My Ducks’ have a super fun new game they invented…

    This is just a new thing and it’s funny and weird. 4 years and this week is the first time they’ve ever done this like this.
  2. RJKnott

    My Ducks’ have a super fun new game they invented…

    A couple do but they have a couple kiddie pools they can go into and they all use them.
  3. RJKnott

    My Ducks’ have a super fun new game they invented…

    It’s called “let’s fill the water dish with all the straw we can til it becomes a clump of solid muck” 4 water dishes and all look like this. They started doing this a few days ago. Then squawk angrily at me when I come check on them because they have no water to drink 🙄
  4. RJKnott

    Weird thing on ducks mouth

    It doesn’t seem to bother her or affect her eating or drinking Gonna keep an eye on it and see how it goes and if it gets worse find a vet willing to see her. Not many around here
  5. RJKnott

    Weird thing on ducks mouth

    Thanks. I don’t think it’s an abscess, at least not one I’ve ever seen. When I can open her mouth that bubble is not filled with pus. It is more like an air pocket. And the skin there is dry and leathery. It’s weird
  6. RJKnott

    Weird thing on ducks mouth

    So my girl Arya, I noticed last night she had something sticking out of her mouth. Thought it was a leaf. But as I picked her up and checked her it looked like an abscess. But when I opened her mouth it looks more like the skin inside her mouth stretched and is sticking out the side. It’s not...
  7. RJKnott

    Floppy takes a walk

    Absolutely. Everyone here has been so helpful in my duck adventures I love to help others when I can now To be honest it’s been about 3 months and she may never be able to go out in the pen with the other ducks as a male on top of her mating her may be too much for those legs to bare, but her...
  8. RJKnott

    Floppy takes a walk

    So Floppy is the duckling I took in and raised that someone had dumped at a marina and had a sever niacin deficiency Her legs and feet were like cheap plastic and felt like she didn’t have any bones at all. We’ve given her niacin regularly but 3 months later and she still couldn’t take more...
  9. RJKnott

    Inside duck and flies

    I may have to give this a try
  10. RJKnott

    Inside duck and flies

    So one of my ducklings I took in with the severe niacin deficiency has been getting slowly better. Her legs have mass and bone now. But she may never get to be an outside duck. One leg is almost like it’s fused and doesn’t bend well. The other the leg has formed straight but the knee joint is...
  11. RJKnott

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    Ha they really are
  12. RJKnott

    Anyone ever use a duck wheelchair/hammock for injured feet?

    Have a puppy pad under her but she wiggled around so much it comes loose. We have the backend backed into a Walmart bin on its side with pads under her to catch the poop. First one we did we cut and opening for the poop but she wiggled so much she wound up tearing the shit and I found her half...
  13. RJKnott

    Support Group for Abused Duck Keepers

    I raised two little muscovie ducks JP and Sascha, from duckling JP is very attached. When I come out at night with peas, jp comes up to me and has to have the first few peas eaten out of my hand. One day I just was in a hurry so I just tossed some peas down for them. All the other ducks went...
  14. RJKnott

    Anyone ever use a duck wheelchair/hammock for injured feet?

    So Floppy’s bones are getting thicker and stronger with the niacin. But she still kept them bowlegged under her so we’re starting to form mid-shapened. Saw stuff on line where people made duck wheelchairs / hammocks for ducks with injured feet. Pvc pipe frames and something they lay in that...
  15. RJKnott

    Good niacin supplement

    Yes 1 ml daily. Floppy wants to run and play with the other ducks and it breaks my heart. I will check with the rescue I got them from and see if they have a good Avian vet they use
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