Recent content by ritzzy

  1. ritzzy

    Can someone help?

    I hatched him so he wasn't vaccinated. And I dont know if he is eating or drinking because I haven't been home all day, but I gave him water with a syringe. He is eating chick starter feed that I bought. I did dose him with poly vi sol again
  2. ritzzy

    Can someone help?

    He is getting worse.... anyone???
  3. ritzzy

    Can someone help?

    He is STILL crying constantly. It stopped for a while but now he is doing it again. I noticed, that he cant keep his balance sometimes, and he cant hold up his wings either..... what is wrong?!
  4. ritzzy

    Can someone help?

    The others are definitely surrounding him to protect him because they won't let me even touch him. I gave him a squirt of poly vi sol last night and it seemed to help. I put a little vitamin E on his feet and it seemed to help. He still cries, but not as much.
  5. ritzzy

    Can someone help?

    My chick is about a week old, and just tonight, he has been chriping CONSTANTLY! He wont stop and it keeps me up all night! The bottoms of his feet, I noticed are slightly torn, and redder than usual and he won't really walk a lot. The other chicks and ducks hover around him completely and all...
  6. ritzzy

    Whats wrong!?

    My chick is about a week old, and just tonight, he has been chriping CONSTANTLY! He wont stop and it keeps me up all night! The bottoms of his feet, I noticed are slightly torn, and redder than usual and he won't really walk a lot. The other chicks and ducks hover around him completely and all...
  7. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Good to know. I worry about this guy too but he seems fine now. He definitely doesnt like his vitamins though.
  8. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Aw good. How did your guy eat or drink?? Also, I am having trouble giving him the vitamins. He's not swallowing them that normal? I am just worried that he isn't getting any...
  9. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Oh my! Yours was quite bad! That definitely gives me hope for my little guy. Is yours completely straight now?
  10. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Thought I would add a picture or two on here showing his neck. (He is the one farthest to the right) He is a very good swimmer, surprisingly but he is very small compared to the others, but he is also two or three days younger.
  11. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Great, thanks! I may just have to bite the bullet and go get the poly-vi-sol. LOL.
  12. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Thank you! I Really hope this works for this poor little guy. I tried to get the poly-vi-sol but is was just so darn expensive! I am going to go around and see if I can get it cheaper. So I will have to give him the poly-vi-sol along with the E and Niacin?
  13. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    Alright, this is what I did: I held his beak open and squirted as much of the Vitamin E in it as possible. About half of the entire thing got in. A lot ended on my fingers but I got quite a bit in the beak. I crushed up one Niacin and put it in a little dish of water. ( I am hand feeding him...
  14. ritzzy

    Duckling with a crooked neck.... *Pic added*

    I got vitamin E and Niacin. I am going to give him one E now. Should I give him one FULL niacin or what?
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