Recent content by RhymeOrReason

  1. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    Found out, after a bit, that she is indeed a he! Snood is super long now, and retracts into a cone shape, + has a fully bald head. However, he is now not aggressive at all, so I think it was just some teenage angst. Planning on getting him some hens in the near future, saving up for them.
  2. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    And good news on the behavior, we’ve gotten Winnie to settle down a lot more as far as aggression is concerned! Standing our ground when she gets feisty, etc, seems to have helped
  3. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    I might’ve mistaken it since Winnie does it so infrequently; usually after perking up from hearing a weird noise, like a truck passing by, is when they’ll make the gobble-sound. I don’t have any recordings of it unfortunately
  4. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    Are hens able to gobble then? Winnie has gobbled several times. I’ve heard stories about hens gobbling, but this is the first time I’ve seen it happen if so
  5. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    Pics of Winnie (+ cameos from Kai and Millie) We think Winnie’s a boy since they’ve gobbled and routinely strut
  6. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    How much time do we have to get the enclosure expanded and to get some hens? Right now we don’t have enough space for more turkeys, but I’ve been saving up to expand the run and coop space. Technically we have enough land that they could free range, but we don’t have any fencing and we have...
  7. RhymeOrReason

    Somewhat aggressive Tom, worries for the future!

    We’ve had our sweet baby Winnie for a couple months now, and for a while, he was absolutely the sweetest. Constantly begging to be held, cuddled, and would always come running any time he heard our voice from around the yard. Unfortunately, the older that he’s gotten, the more human aggression...
  8. RhymeOrReason

    Looking for ~4-8 week old Indio Gigante or Saipan chicks in NC, specifically mid NC!

    OH HE’S GORGEOUS!! What’s his temperament like? And how do the other chicks around him treat him?
  9. RhymeOrReason

    Bordetellosis in a chick flock! - Keeping track of recovery

    Conclusion: If your flock ends up with Bordetellosis, make sure they are hydrated, eating well, and give them electrolytes in their water if possible. (Conclusion from my experience with it, doesn’t apply to every case, make sure to tend to the needs of your birds individually! I am also...
  10. RhymeOrReason

    Looking for ~4-8 week old Indio Gigante or Saipan chicks in NC, specifically mid NC!

    Ooh!! I’ve never heard of a cross like that before! Do you have pictures of him? Not sure if I can take in a roo since I don’t know if my current chicks are roosters, gotta make sure I have somewhere he can stay just in case, even if he’s sweet, the other hypothetical roos pick on him.
  11. RhymeOrReason

    Bordetellosis in a chick flock! - Keeping track of recovery

    All babies are healed and recovered! However, my poor little goober Bubs ended up getting injured and is currently being treated, but the rest are doing fine.
  12. RhymeOrReason

    North Carolina

    ISO Saipan or Indio Gigante chicks that are 4 weeks old or older (preferably between 4 and 8 weeks, but older is alright as well!) Searching in an area with a ~60 max mile radius around Greensboro, Winston Salem, Asheboro, and etc!
  13. RhymeOrReason

    Looking for ~4-8 week old Indio Gigante or Saipan chicks in NC, specifically mid NC!

    Now that my babies are heading out to the coop, I’ve been struck with chicken math and have been thinking a ton about the breeds I originally wanted to add to the flock but couldn’t at the time. Indio Gigante and Saipan are such gorgeous birds, and now that I have a giant coop and run that can...
  14. RhymeOrReason

    Hypothetical Project - Creating a Dinosaur-like Chicken

    the parrot beak asi!! I’ve seen them and they don’t seem to have any issues from their beak shape as long as it’s not exaggerated, but I don’t know a lot about them otherwise; absolutely gorgeous, they look so much like oviraptors
  15. RhymeOrReason

    Hypothetical Project - Creating a Dinosaur-like Chicken

    Oh my gods he is absolutely gorgeous, and he has wing claws??? I hope the babies keep the look, if you ever sell them I’d snatch them up in an instant, he looks wonderfully prehistoric!!
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