Recent content by reveriereptile

  1. reveriereptile

    Need some advice on a toddler who is a picky eater.

    That has me wondering now cause he was tongue tied which his doctor held off clipping till last August. He talked some at 3 months old but then quit and became a late talker. He still is having problems with pronouncing words. I was a picky eater and had speech problems and was in a speech class...
  2. reveriereptile

    Need some advice on a toddler who is a picky eater.

    He use to eat a bunch of types of foods with no noticeable problems. Some stuff will cause bowel problems. After eating that french toast a couple days ago he had bad diarrhea that night which caused him to stay up late and then had it all the next day and ended up with a horrible diaper rash...
  3. reveriereptile

    Need some advice on a toddler who is a picky eater.

    I figured it was a phase but I was hoping it would take a turn by now. He does have a check up on the 20th so I can ask about that. My FIL did make some french toast and he actually ate it. We just told him he was bread with syrup. Before eating that he was gagging and heaving due to my...
  4. reveriereptile

    Need some advice on a toddler who is a picky eater.

    I'm going to do the commando and only cloth training pants at first. I'm waiting for the weather to get warmer. Heiditam, I haven't read that book. I'll look for it. I've been more stressed lately due to planning a Birthday party for him which the place only had the day of my Birthday...
  5. reveriereptile

    Need some advice on a toddler who is a picky eater.

    Thanks for the help. He is into the Jake and The Neverland Pirates and some of those Baby First tv shows. Maybe I can use some characters from them. I do have a stuffed toy of Jake that maybe I could pretend to feed him also. I'll give it a shot. I would try to feeding it to the dog but he loves...
  6. reveriereptile

    Need some advice on a toddler who is a picky eater.

    My almost 2 year old son became a picky eater a couple months ago. He use to eat a lot of different foods especially ones we were eating but now he barely eats. He hasn't grown any heavier and has lost a few pounds during the winter. Here is a list of foods he will currently eat: peanut...
  7. reveriereptile

    Anyone have experience with installing hydronic radiant floor heating in between joists?

    I talked with a different Radiant company due to problems with the other one and we received our tubing today. They didn't really help us with a layout for our living room. They said it is very simple and easy to do. By the papers it says 4 circuits of 251' of tubing for the living room...
  8. reveriereptile

    Is the coating on a wire fly swatter toxic?

    He was playing with it since he was watching me swat a fly. We have a ton of flies this year from the barn. I turned away to turn his Jake and The Neverland Pirates on and turned back and there he was with the end of the handle in his mouth. Since I've put a plastic hook up on the wall to put...
  9. reveriereptile

    Is the coating on a wire fly swatter toxic?

    Thank you for the #. I kept an eye on him and he didn't have any problems. My FIL thought it was way to small of pieces to cause any harm.
  10. reveriereptile

    Is the coating on a wire fly swatter toxic?

    My son chewed a couple of very small pieces off the handle. It is a wire handle with the white coating. I have no clue what the coating is made of.
  11. reveriereptile

    Anyone have experience with installing hydronic radiant floor heating in between joists?

    I'm trying to get our house tubing layout figured up so I can order our tubing so we can get other things done in our house we are building. I came across a few questions that I was needing to know about. We are installing it doubled lines between the joists with plates and will be tiling the...
  12. reveriereptile

    Where to buy toddler clothes for short legged and long and thick torso toddler?

    Fall time is going to be coming up soon and I'm dreading buying my son clothes. He is almost 16 months old but he took his dad's body. He has a really long torso, wide shoulders, big around waist, but short chunky legs. His legs are slowly growing longer but he still fits in 18 month size...
  13. reveriereptile

    Where to buy new lights, faucets, and tile for a house?

    I've went to a few small stores around but didn't find to much. There selections were very small. One place we just recently stopped doing business with. They deliver horrible quality lumber since my FIL's truck broke down and my husband broke his ankle a few weeks ago. My husband had to cram...
  14. reveriereptile

    Where to buy new lights, faucets, and tile for a house?

    My husband and me have been building a house since last year and been doing it out of pocket to avoid another loan. We have the frame of the house done, almost all the doors and windows in, and now are going to get ready to do the plumbing, heating, and electrical soon. Since we have a almost...
  15. reveriereptile

    Children with Egg Alergies...Can Dad have Chickens?

    I don't see any problem if they aren't handling the eggs incase they break or eating them. The bird itself would be another allergy. I'm not allergic to eggs but I'm allergic to the bird but mildly. It's all the dust within their feathers. If you find any local tractor stores look to see if...
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