Recent content by renthehen

  1. R

    Is it bumblefoot?

    It does look painful. She seems fine until I tried to squeeze it. Then she was like “owwww!” I looked and looked and I hadn’t seen a case of bumblefoot that looked like this but it does resemble the “black scab” of that infection. Alright well, I guess we will do surgery and just follow the...
  2. R

    Is it bumblefoot?

    Thanks for replying! Yes, she has lost her toenails on the effected toes. I kind of thought that was a result of the infection. The reason I thought maybe bumblefoot is the state of this scab on bottom of toes. I’ll get some more pics now.
  3. R

    Is it bumblefoot?

    So periwinkle has something going on with her foot and as far as I can find, I haven’t seen any cases of bumblefoot that look like hers. Two of her toes are like short and fat with a hard black scab on the tips. We are about to suit up for surgery unless anyone thinks it could be something...
  4. R

    Dislocated wing on hen!

    There’s a photo of her standing on her wing. It’s her right wing.
  5. R

    Help! Is it a prolapsed vent?!!

    Okay so I see that it’s mareks disease. I am freaking out because she’s been with all of our other birds since we got her! I’m doing some research but I am just concerned that everyone has been exposed and will eventually see the same fate! Thanks for the help. Obviously we are going to cull...
  6. R

    Help! Is it a prolapsed vent?!!

    Let me know if you need more light on the eyes. They look crazy! She just lays on her side. And her toes are not curled. She just doesn’t seem to have control of her legs. She just lays on them all wonky and kind of just flails them. Now that I think about it I’m not 100% that she ever did lay...
  7. R

    Dislocated wing on hen!

    I have a hen whose wing seems to be dislocated. She’s not in pain but I don’t know what to do. She’s in her own cage in the basement for r & r but I guess my question is can we pop it back into place? I hate to have to cull her when she’s otherwise perfectly healthy. She is pretty much walking...
  8. R

    Help! Is it a prolapsed vent?!!

    So, an update and more questions I guess. She still has not laid an egg. It’s been over two weeks by now. I’m wondering if she’s just old? We got her as an adult and don’t know her age. But now our problem is something else. She wasn’t eating or drinking and she stopped walking. So I brought...
  9. R

    Hen with swollen earlobe/wattles!

    Hey y’all! It would seem when it rains, it pours! One of my Brahma hens, bent toe lady, came up today with a bunch of swelling going on. I’ll include photos for reference. I gave her some benedryl to try to rule out a possible insect bite or maybe she swallowed something poisonous? The swelling...
  10. R

    Help! Is it a prolapsed vent?!!

    So, we’re a few days into the emergency calcium doses. She is egg bound as far as I can tell. I’m wondering what else can I do besides the calcium to help her pass the egg, today is day 3 of dosing once per day. She is pooping plenty but not eating much at all and drinking somewhat. I’ve been...
  11. R

    Help! Is it a prolapsed vent?!!

    Thank you for your reply! She seems to be passing a kind of white runny poo, but she does keep flexing the muscles like she is trying to go. I am doing the epsom bath now and will do honey and will isolate her in the house for a couple of days. Also I forgot to mention, some chunks of what...
  12. R

    Help! Is it a prolapsed vent?!!

    Help! Paisley was just hanging by the front door for a couple of hours and I realized she had blood and poop all stuck in her feathers. So I took her in and rinsed her real well. The photos aren’t great but basically the top opening to her vent is very enlarged and there seems to be some flesh...
  13. R

    Chick(s) legs are splayed, but at four weeks! Help!

    We have been gifted many dozens of birds (about 150) recently by a girl who is getting out of the bird life. Within those numbers are 50 babies of various types including 6 or so salmon faverolles. We had one end up sick a few days ago and her legs were all out of whack, almost like splayed...
  14. R

    New on the yard 🐓

    Hey y’all! My name is Ren and my boyfriend montana and I recently moved to Ohio to his grandads farm. We have already gotten chickens, quails, ducks and Guinea. We have had a lot of learning lessons, even after just six short months! We built our own incubators and hatched all of our birds. We...
  15. R

    Golden Comet Necropsy - need help with what we found

    What does anyone think about GMO feed possibly being the cause of this? GMOs are known to cause cancer among MANY other illnesses and ailments in humans and animals alike, I would think chickens are no exception. We do not use GMO feed ever.
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