Recent content by ReformedPastor

  1. ReformedPastor

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I thought it was a lost cause because they were so cold but it was for less than 8 hours that she want laying on them. So I tried it. All of our chicks are predominantly black because pappa is a Black Cochin roo, but our Buff Orpingtons have produced two beautiful golden chicks. Out of that...
  2. ReformedPastor

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Just had two broody hens for the for the first time ever (Black Cochin's). One hatched all hers (11, one egg got crushed) and the other hatched 1, crushed 3 eggs, and pecked 1, abandoning the others in the cold the last 4 days. The eggs were very cold and in 40 degree weather over night. I...
  3. ReformedPastor

    Egg Exploded but the Chick was Still Alive

    First time incubator here, not new to chickens though. Started with 24 eggs, one super big one broke because of an overly curious child pressing on the flimsy plastic. 10 eggs developed blood rings. 1 egg after 14 days was clear and obviously not fertilized or self-terminated near the beginning...
  4. ReformedPastor

    Comment by 'ReformedPastor' in item 'Matticoopx Digital Incubator Review'

    Can you give updates when you use this again so we can see how well it holds up to repeated use?
  5. ReformedPastor

    Coup and tractor size

    Have you tried to use scarecrows? Also how often do they get out of the paddock?
  6. ReformedPastor

    Coup and tractor size

    How does one determine coup and tractor size for 15-20 chickens. Planning on ranging them in a tractor or even an electric chicken fence. What is the square footage for coup per bird?
  7. ReformedPastor

    Greetings from the Upstate, South Carolina

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I had chickens when I was a teenager on my parents' farm, but that was almost 20 years ago. I am trying to turn my half-acre of land into a mini agricultural Eden in South Carolina while I attend seminary. So my children value...
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