Recent content by rebrascora

  1. rebrascora

    Hi Kim Sorry for long absence and thanks for hugs. A combination of trying to do lots of...

    Hi Kim Sorry for long absence and thanks for hugs. A combination of trying to do lots of research on diabetes to help improve my control, swarming season with my bees and driving season as well as trying to do some work with my own GGs. Will update flags on your Charlie and Harry thread. X
  2. rebrascora

    The 20 Egg Only Chicken

    So sorry you lost her. I had one go almost a year internal too, although it can easily be several weeks or months even before you notice they are not laying and something maybe amiss because it doesn't usually affect their general behaviour and through the winter after moult their bodies have a...
  3. rebrascora

    I will get it sorted but needs a bit more commitment from me to figure out how to control it...

    I will get it sorted but needs a bit more commitment from me to figure out how to control it. Pleased to see you posting lots of flags. Is the show/competition with Lottie tomorrow? If so good luck! X
  4. rebrascora

    Hi Kim Sorry I've been absent. Having to spend more time than I would like researching as I've...

    Hi Kim Sorry I've been absent. Having to spend more time than I would like researching as I've been struggling to stabilize by Blood Glucose and swinging from mostly too high to suddenly much too low. Really thought I had it cracked a few weeks ago as readings were mostly in the normal range for...
  5. rebrascora

    Blister near her eye, what to do?

    Hi A closer photo would be helpful and some idea of if it is hard or soft. Also her posture looks very upright and her neck arched downwards. Is that typical for her or just the camera angle? How old is she? Has she or any of your flock suffered respiratory symptoms like nasal discharge, bubbly...
  6. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    I do also have a photo of her heart cut open but I am not sure it is beneficial.... see for yourselves...
  7. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    Here we go.... you can see in this photo the heart with that clot removed, how there is a significant indentation where the clot had been..... you can also see how dark and friable the liver is and the blood vessels feeding it. NB The heart is flipped forward, so the clot would have been on the...
  8. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    Wow! That is interesting! Unfortunately I can't be sure. The clot did seem to be exposed far too easily when I removed the liver and extended into the chamber almost as if the blood vessel was weak and had flared where it entered the heart, so that there was no obvious delineation between where...
  9. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    Sadly the eggs being incubated were from my large fowl laying flock as I didn't need anymore banty "incubators", so there will unfortunately be no daughters or sons from her.
  10. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    Thanks everyone for your support and sympathies. Will try to find time soon to post the other necropsy photos as they are much more interesting.
  11. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    Thanks for sympathies. He stayed with her until I remove her body for PM and then he went exploring and found the banty pen in the back garden and muscled in with them. He and the lavender pekin cock bird in charge there have battled it out over a series of days and whilst he looks to have lost...
  12. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    Yes these are all the bantam cochin.... I'm having difficulty downloading photos of the other bird, which are way more interesting, at the moment, but will figure it out when I have more time. The discolouration may be a distortion of the light due to the background green and doing the PM in...
  13. rebrascora

    Crop issue

    I too have not seen one like that and wonder if it is tumerous. There looks to be a good amount of yellow fat on her and a decent amount of muscle/meat for a laying bird. Usually with crop problems (and tumours) the bird will become emaciated and the breast bone is often clearly visible and...
  14. rebrascora

    Two post mortems (necropsies) in two days..... WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    I did take precautions of dousing the dead bird in disinfectant before exam, using a remote site and changing clothes immediately afterwards and burying the remains well out of the way, but to be honest I had pretty much convinced myself that it was going to be Marek's and since she was...
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