Recent content by Rebecca13

  1. Rebecca13


    Hi all! A friend of my neighbor's needs to give up their flock, they have the following: 2 RIRs 2 Americanas 1 golden buff (That's what they call her I'm not sure if that's the actual breed.) If anyone is interested please let me know and I'll give your contact info to my neighbor. I wish I...
  2. Rebecca13

    Watching Neighbor's Chickens

    I'm watching my neighbors 4 chicken flock and the lowest on the totem pole is looking kind of rough. Her nail was bleeding, I put qwik stop on it but I'm a little concerned about her leg scabs and if her head is healing OK. She was pecked pretty bad by the other girls before her parents went on...
  3. Rebecca13


    If you can't find permit information online you could give your city a call. With my job I have to call the cities for random things and typically they are very helpful. We didn't need a permit for our birds, but as @Sylvester017 said you'll need to keep in mind your neighbors. I double checked...
  4. Rebecca13


    We're in Long Beach and as much as I love rain I am so glad it's stopped. It's a covered run, but their food was a mess, a small pond started in the run, and that mud was sticky! The ladies' feet disappeared when they walked in it. We covered it in pine shavings, that seems to have helped.
  5. Rebecca13


    Hi! Is it really wet for you? My chickies have no clue what to do in all this sky water.
  6. Rebecca13

    Fowl Pox

    Thank you!!
  7. Rebecca13

    Fowl Pox

    I came back from a 2 week holiday to one of my ladies looking like this. I think it's fowl pox but I wanted to get second opinions. A few others inthr flock have these spots but not as bad. Everyone is eating and is active, the only change is this one is molting and another lady is molting so...
  8. Rebecca13

    Laying Yolks

    Is this a better photo? I'm on mobile so it's not cooperating properly. I'll get the Calcium pills and I'll clean their butts. I wish I knew if it was coming out whole or not I've only seen it once it's hit the droppings board. Thank you for the info!!
  9. Rebecca13

    Laying Yolks

    It's Yolk for sure. One of the other chickens was eating it and it had the consistency of a cracked yolk. :) I wish it was just poop. Actually maybe I dont...
  10. Rebecca13

    Laying Yolks

    Hello all, my flock of 5 has decided yet again to test what little chicken knowledge I have gained by laying only yolks. We've had shell-less eggs before, but this is the first time I've seen them lay yolks without shells. It happened yesterday and this morning (see below photo). When I search...
  11. Rebecca13

    4.4 Earthquake Last Night

    I hope not! They didn't seem like they cared a minute after it happened. I guess I'll find out later this afternoon if we get all 5 eggs or not.
  12. Rebecca13

    4.4 Earthquake Last Night

    We had a 4.4 earthquake around 8:00 p.m. yesterday; the ladies were not happy: The clip starts right when the earthquake starts. It wasn't one of the biggest, but it was the strongest jolt I've felt in a while.
  13. Rebecca13

    Screaming Delaware

    I've honestly considered it. I love that little monster, but if it gets too bad that may be what I'll have to do.
  14. Rebecca13

    Screaming Delaware

    I have a small flock of five, 9 month old hens: two Reds, two Barred Rocks, and one Delaware. They have a sizable coop and run, and every day (except Monday mornings, because of landscaping), they are let out into the big backyard to eat grass, chase bugs and squirrels and peck at the random...
  15. Rebecca13

    Fowl Pox or Mean Siblings?

    Awesome! Thanks all! Now I gotta figure out why my other ladies are being mean to her. I thought she was the head chicken.
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