Recent content by reaganFF

  1. reaganFF

    Meyer - Breed Help

    Thank you!
  2. reaganFF

    Meyer - Breed Help

    I picked up my order of Green Queens this morning from Meyer and forgot to ask what breed my meal maker chick is. She’s a day old. The photo of her in the brooder (standing on the feeder, of course) is to show the brown stripe marking on her back. She may very well be a GQ, but the Meyer site...
  3. reaganFF

    Raising Meat Birds in the Burbs- A How To Guide

    Thanks for this informative post! I agree with @Penpal - You could publish an article in Backwoods Home or Self-Reliance magazines with photos and your setup. Lots of homesteaders start out in the suburbs and don't have a lot of room, so automatically assume they can't raise meat birds. I know I...
  4. reaganFF

    Rooster Agressive Towards Hens

    I really appreciate this. Because I'm new to chickens and I feel the same way about my flock - I appreciate their natural instincts, and want to balance that with the safety of both humans and animals.
  5. reaganFF

    What is your favorite hatchery?

    I only have experience with Meyer, and I live about 30 min away so it's a no-brainer for me. I picked up my first order from them in summer 2023 and had one male. After some back and forth via email, they credited me. Picking up a few Green Queens and a batch of meat chicks this coming April.
  6. reaganFF

    How do you sell your eggs?

    I would have asked her if she'd like to come out back and talk to the girls and see if she could convince them to lay faster. :lol:
  7. reaganFF

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Hey, I found the Ohioans thread! :D I'm originally from the Akron/Canton area, lived in the Cleveland suburbs for 23 years before we bought a home on 18 acres in SW Medina county. We're getting chickens this fall - I have an order for August for Cinnamon Queens, Buff Orps, Cuckoo Marans, and...
  8. reaganFF

    Comment by 'reaganFF' in media '20210514_132830.jpg'

    OMG so adorable!
  9. reaganFF

    Comment by 'reaganFF' in article 'A Treatise on Electric Fences for Poultry'

    Great article - lots of info! We are keeping our chickens next to the garden, so we may enclose the entire area with electric fence. One note - it appears that a few of the videos are 'personal' and can't be viewed any longer.
  10. reaganFF

    Adjusting Meyer Order - Suggestions Appreciated!

    I appreciate this forum so much. I can't begin to tell you all how much help I've received just reading, reviewing, and making notes based on others' experiences and suggestions! 🥰
  11. reaganFF

    Adjusting Meyer Order - Suggestions Appreciated!

    After lots of discussion, I'm going to adjust our hatchery order so that we have a mixed flock instead of all Buff Orps. We're in NE Ohio, so they must be cold/heat hardy; I can handle a couple of broody birds, but no more than that (which is why Black Australorps aren't on the list); Main...
  12. reaganFF

    Sprouting grain mixes

    Hi - your setup looks great! Do you keep in your kitchen year round? Do you have issues with drainage or do you just know the right amount of water?
  13. reaganFF

    Where to purchase chicks from?

    I will do some more reading (I see from your signature that you are a fan!). I'm pretty basic myself, so I'm happy with basic chickens 😆
  14. reaganFF

    Where to purchase chicks from?

    I'm in NE Ohio with cold winters and hot summers. From what I've read, Buffs are tolerant to both, larger breed, human-friendly (dependent on individual personality, of course), and dual-purpose. Mainly, it's because we see a lot of people keeping Buffs in our area, which tells me they survive...
  15. reaganFF

    Where to purchase chicks from?

    Good idea - we won't have the coop ready until summer (the kit is being shipped and won't arrive until June), so I may just wait until later to see if their hatch dates change. Also, hi, neighbor! :frow
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